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  • Fuelwood collection and labour market participation in rural Uganda_Secondary data from UBOS
    I use secondary data (Uganda National Household Survey data 2019/20) collected by Uganda Bureau of Statistics. The data has numerous variables including: labourforce participation , household size, Gender of the household head, household income, time spent collecting fuel, Gender of the fuel collectors, etc. The data set has a total of over 350,000 observations. It has a total sample of over 12,000 households where data was collected.
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  • Microscale normal compression behaviors of clay aggregates: A coarse-grained molecular dynamics study
    Supplementary data for "Microscale normal compression behaviors of clay aggregates: A coarse-grained molecular dynamics study".
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  • Protracted Recharge Triggers an Early Eocene Supereruption in Southern Tibet
    The dataset includes Text S1-S2, Figures S1-S4, and Tables S1-S5. • Text S1 to S2 contains detailed methods and latent heat effect discussion; • Figures S1 to S4 provide initial conditions of modelling, Cathodoluminescence (CL) and Micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) images of selected quartz grains, and heat conduction modelling results with considering latent heat; • Table S1 lists the whole-rock compositions of collected samples; • Tables S2 to S3 list the meaning and units of the parameters in diffusion and heat conduction modelling; • Tables S4 to S5 summarize raw data of Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) and diffusion results.
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  • Paper: "Do Robust Predictors Improve the Accuracy of Inflation Forecasts in Moments of Structural Break?"
    Data used in the paper
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  • AUSDEM_2023
    1 arc-second resolution, open-access AUSDEM_2023 (0°-50°S, 100°-160°E)
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  • Dataset on the Geochemistry of soils and their corresponding granitoid plutons of Proterozoic era in Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India
    This data article provides a detailed dataset on the collected soil samples from the regolith portion of Alkali-Granitoid plutons, those emplaced along the transition zone between Eastern Dharwar Craton and Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt in southern India, due to orogenic collision & later anorogenic rift related tectonism during Proterozoic era. Soils derived from corresponding Paleo to Mesoproterozoic orogenic & anorogenic plutons at Vinukonda, Elechur, Pasupugallu, Podili and Kanigiri majorly showing the enrichment of ∑HREESoil>∑HREERock, the enrichment factor varies from 1.65 to 6.18. Except Vinukonda, Podili, the other soils exhibiting the characteristics of ∑LREESoil>∑LREERock, ∑REESoil>∑REERock, the enrichment factor in soils varies from 1.77 to 3.01 and from 1.9 to 3.05 respectively. Majority of these soils were derived medium to poor grade of weathering and the Chemical Index of Alteration is from 26.30 to 74.92. Although, fractionation of REE in weathered granite/Soil is controlled by the occurrence of REE-bearing minerals and adsorption by weathering products, the ion-adsorption fraction tends to be enriched in HREE relative to source rock.
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  • Correlation of physical activity and functional independence and quality of life in elderly population residing in old age homes
    Title: Correlation of Physical Activity with Functional Independence and Quality of Life among community dwelling elderly population. Introduction: Ageing is a global phenomenon. Age-related physiological changes result in a decline in functional skills as the population ages. Reduced functional abilities result in issues with everyday living, self-care, and psychosocial issues. Regular physical activity is known to enhance functional ability, physical fitness, and well-being and to mitigate the adverse effects of aging. Aim: This study was aimed to evaluate the impact of physical activity on the functional independence and quality of life of elderly population in community. Material: A total of 328 elderly individuals aged 60 above years were recruited using purposive sampling based on selection criteria. Method: The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) was employed to assess the level of Physical Activity and Functional Independence Measure (FIM) was evaluated to determine the participants' level of independence. For measuring the Quality of Life SF12 scale was used. Results: The study comprised 172 male participants with a mean age of 70.23±16.56 and 156 female participants with a mean age of 69.2± 12.89. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine the normality of the data, as data was found to be not normally distributed. The findings revealed a strong positive correlation between physical activity and functional independence (r=0.453, p>0.05). Also, there found a positive, moderate and significant relationship between physical activity and Physical component of SF12 (r=0.345,p=>0.005). And there found a negative but significant relationship between physical activity and mental component of SF12. Conclusion: This study found a strong positive correlation between physical activity and functional independence. This shows that affected physical activity can be major contributing factor in the level of independence. It has been proven that higher disability was found to be associated with lower physical activity. Also, low Physical activity affects quality of life of a elderly, it can be challenging to do daily activities by themselves.
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  • Hedtfeld et al., 2024_A validation strategy to assess the role of phase separation as determinant of macromolecular localization
    Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of putative assembly scaffolds has been proposed to drive the biogenesis of membraneless compartments. LLPS scaffolds are usually identified through in vitro LLPS assays with single macromolecules (homotypic), but the predictive value of these assays remains poorly characterized. Here, we apply a strategy to evaluate the robustness of homotypic LLPS assays. When applied to the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), which undergoes LLPS in vitro and localizes to centromeres to promote chromosome biorientation, LLPS propensity in vitro emerged as an unreliable predictor of subcellular localization. In vitro CPC LLPS in aqueous buffers was enhanced by commonly used crowding agents. Conversely, diluted cytomimetic media dissolved condensates of the CPC and of several additional proteins. We also show that centromeres do not seem to nucleate LLPS, nor do they promote local, spatially restrained LLPS of the CPC. Our strategy can be adapted to purported LLPS scaffolds of other membraneless compartments.
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  • iLand Species Parameters
    • Tree species parameters were obtained and harmonized from all iLand user groups across three continents and seven countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Belgium, Canada, USA, and Japan). The dataset encompasses a total of 8,348 entries for 67 parameters of 135 species and provenances. The dataset entails parameters determining the growth, survival, and regeneration of tree species as well as parameters on the carbon and nitrogen dynamics. • A second database includes and the response to wind regimes. This database includes a total of 503 entries for five parameters of 105 species and provenances.
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  • Physical match demand in the FIFA World Cup: A comparison between 2018 (Russia) and 2022 (Qatar) editions
    This study aimed to evaluate the physical performance of teams in terms of running disparities between the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. The number of sprints and top speeds achieved by players in the 2022 World Cup has significantly increased compared to the 2018 World Cup. All player positions exhibited a greater distance covered during the 2022 World Cup compared to the 2018 World Cup. When examining the interaction between Cup and Outcome, only total distance (F = 5.831, p = 0.003) and distance Z1 (F = 15.488, p <0.001) showed statistical differences. These findings elucidate that more total distance was covered during draws, with higher values observed in the 2022 World Cup. Thus, the study concludes that the 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup presented a higher physical match demand compared to the 2018 Russia FIFA World Cup.
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