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  • Flow Cytometry Data HAEC IFNg
    HAEC n=3 biological replicates. IFNg treated +/- BCL6 inhibitors. Stained with PD-L1-PE/Cy7 PD-L2-APC HLA-ABC-BV510 HLA-DR-BV421 HLA-DQ-FITC HLA-DP-PE
    • Dataset
  • Coupled impact of climate change and anthropogenic activity on the changes of terrestrial organic carbon accumulation in the river-dominated coastal margin
    River-dominated marginal seas play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle. However, the centennial burial record of organic carbon (OC) remains unclear. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of bulk OC, its isotopic composition (δ13C and Δ14C), biomarkers (lignin and n-alkanes), and sedimentological evolution based on sediment core from the Yellow River-dominated Bohai Sea (BS). We also compiled several published OC burial records from other river-dominated coastal margins. Our findings indicated that since the 1950s, accompanying with a significant reduced sediment load due to the watershed human activities, the accumulation of terrestrial OC in central BS showed a concurrent decline as evidenced by a ~50% decrease in terrigenous/aquatic ratio of n-alkanes (TAR). More intense erosion and resuspension due to stronger hydrodynamic condition under the increasing frequency of winter storms could account for the observed sediment coarsening and concomitant increase of the degraded lignin and old-OC since the 1980s, suggesting that delta erosion-induced sediment redistribution could influence the selective transport and accumulation of the more woody allochthonous OC components. The vertical profiles of lignin records indicated a spatial heterogeneity of recent terrestrial OC burial among the large river-dominated coastal margins under the enhanced global delta erosion. Compared to the fluvial input-related OC burial in the Yangtze River, Pearl River and Mississippi River delta margins, a more hydrodynamic forcing impact on the terrestrial OC burial was discerned in the BS due to the coupled effect of recent climate change and substantial decline in sediment load.
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  • Examining the Influence of Monetary Policy on Stock Market Performance in Namibia's Emerging Economy
    The study utilises annual time series data from 1991 to 2022 sourced from reputable institutions, including the Bank of Namibia, the Namibia Stock Exchange (NSX), the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA), and the World Bank. The selected variables are Stock Market Returns (NSXi), represented by the Namibia Stock Exchange overall index; Repo Rate (LNREPO), the primary monetary policy tool used by the Bank of Namibia; Broad Money Supply (LNM2), which reflects the total money supply in the economy; and Real Gross Domestic Product (LNRGDP), which measures economic output adjusted for inflation
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  • Endothelial cells, TNF and HDAC inhibitors flow cytometry
    Endothelial cells treated with TNFa for 4hr and 24hr, +/- BCL6 or HDAC inhibitors ICAM-1 AF488 E-selectin PE VCAM-1 APC HLA I BV510 CD31 PE/Cy7
    • Dataset
  • Darknet
    • Dataset
  • HAEC-T Cell Coculture Flow Cytometry
    HAEC treated with IFNg 24hr, then cocultured with allogeneic PBMC for 24hr. Both nonadherent and adherent fractions stained for CD3 PE CD4 violetFluor 450 CD8a FITC IL-2Ra APC CD69 PE-Cy7 CD105 BV510
    • Dataset
  • Data of feathery nanoporous Mg
    SEM, TEM and XRD of feathery nanoporous Mg
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  • TIMIR (Low Light - Dark Images)
    Low-light image enhancement is a significant area of research and development in computer vision and image processing. The research based on low light images aims to improve the visibility and quality of images captured in poor lighting conditions. The database, TIMIR, is created in order to facilitate the researchers with different datasets. This dataset contains total 946 images of different categories like animals, birds, clouds, flowers, foods and random clicks.
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  • U251 Invasion
    Original data about U251 invasion.
    • Dataset
  • RNA-Seq CPM HAEC treated with IFNg
    normalized CPM of RNA-Seq data. n=3 primary HAEC biological replicates. untreated, IFNg 24hr, FX1, ruxolitinib, BI-3812, BI-3802
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