Updated Figure S2A-D for - Dynamic Remodeling of Membrane Composition Drives Cell Cycle through Primary Cilia Excision, Phua et al.

Published: 20 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5vnt9wsbwf.1
Siew Cheng Phua, Takanari Inoue


Updated Figure S2A-D for "Dynamic Remodeling of Membrane Composition Drives Cell Cycle through Primary Cilia Excision", Phua et al. A link to the original paper: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(16)31748-2 Figure Legend: (A) Live fluorescence images of Inpp5e+/- MEFs or Inpp5e-/- MEFs expressing 5HT6 -YFP, 5HT6 -YFP-Inpp5e(WT) or 5HT6 -YFP-Inpp5e(PD) with cytosolic mCeru3 respectively after 4 hr of 10% FBS stimulation or at quiescent state (0% FBS). White dashed lines delineate cells. White arrowheads indicate cell- associated YFP+ particles that were likely vesicles released from primary cilia. (B) Quantification of % cells with associated extracellular YFP+ particles under indicated conditions, as in (A). Color coding as in panel above. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. Two-tailed Student’s t tests were performed with p values indicated. (n = 155, 94, 70, 111, 103, 84 cells for respective data from left to right; 3 experiments). (C) Quantification of % ciliation in Inpp5e+/- MEFs expressing 5HT6 -YFP, 5HT6 -YFP-Inpp5e(WT) or 5HT6 -YFP-Inpp5e(PD) with cytosolic mCeru3 at 0 hr and 6 hr of 10% FBS stimulation. Color coding as in panel above. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. Two-tailed Student’s t tests were performed with respect to each 5HT6 -YFP condition, p values indicated. (n = 120, 75, 64, 164, 59, 61 cells for respective data from left to right; 3 experiments). (D) Quantification of % ciliation in Inpp5e-/- MEFs expressing 5HT6 -YFP, 5HT6 -YFP-Inpp5e(WT) or 5HT6 -YFP-Inpp5e(PD) with cytosolic mCeru3 at 0 hr and 6 hr of 10% FBS stimulation. Color coding as in panel above. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. Two-tailed Student’s t tests were performed with respect to each 5HT6 -YFP condition, p values indicated. (n = 138, 97, 77, 148, 87, 80 cells for respective data from left to right; 3 experiments).



Johns Hopkins University


Primary Cilia
