Single-Molecule Analysis Reveals Linked Cycles Of RSC Chromatin Remodeling and Ace1p Transcription Factor Binding in Yeast. Mehta et al. 2018

Published: 29 October 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/hp9bwtnbgc.1
Gunjan Mehta, David Ball, James McNally, Tatiana Karpova, Peter Eriksson, Razvan Chereji, David Clark


This dataset contains raw files for the data shown in Mehta et al. 2018 (Mol. Cell). Folders with _SMT suffix contains raw time-lapse images from the custom built HILO microscope for Single Molecule Tracking experiments. Folder for figure 4 contains raw z-stack images for smFISH experiments from the epifluorescence microscope. Figure S2E_Array Brightness contains raw z-stack images from the epifluorescence microscope. Figure S3C_Western blot file contains the raw image of a western blot shown in Figure S3C. Folders for Figure S3D contain raw z-stack images from the epifluorescence microscope.



National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute


Western Blot, Single Molecule Imaging, Epifluoresence Microscopy
