Data for: Modeled Small-scale Crack Orientations on Martian Surface Rocks caused by Differential Insolation-Mobilized Water

Published: 4 December 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p2nx9bxbt2.1
Christina Smith, John Moores


Data files for the submitted Icarus paper: "Modeled Small-scale Crack Orientations on Martian Surface Rocks caused by Differential Insolation-Mobilized Water". Data files contain the results of the combination of geometric and radiative transfer models. Data files are for a specific depth, width and length of V-shaped crack (as specified in the filename, where d is the depth, w is the width, and l is the length). These files are for those runs with no diurnal or seasonal restrictions. The files themselves are in the following format: planetary latitude (degrees) \t Solar longitude (degrees) \t crack offset clockwise from north (degrees) \t total energy received by the bottom third of the crack (J). Energy is calculated using the dimensions in meters so these values should be scaled according to the actual dimensions of the crack or can be used as a relative energy for different geometries and orientations (as in the paper).



Radiative Transfer, Geometric Modeling, Crack Growth, Rock, Planetary Atmosphere, Mars
