Research data from PIRLS n2000 the influence of the parents' educational background, reading attitude, and reading activities at home on the reading achievement of the Indonesian students.

Published: 20 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8mwn9ygwwx.1
martha christianti


We use this data to examine factor analysis the influence of the parents' educational background, reading attitude, and reading activities at home on the reading achievement of the Indonesian students.


Steps to reproduce

This data is obtained from PIRLS 2011 data. The IDB analyzer is an application that we use to separate data according to the variable needs that we examine. We then processed this data using lisrel to see the factors of each variable that we examined on the literacy achievement of Indonesian children. The latent variable Parental Education Level (PEL) has two observed variables namely Father Education Level (F) and Mother Education Level (M) in accordance with the suggestion by Myrberg & Rosen (2008). Then, the latent variable Parental Reading Attitude (PRA) has three observed variables namely Like Talking About Read (LTAR), Spend Spare Time Reading (SSTR), and Reading Is Important (RII). Next, the latent variable Current Home Reading (CHR) has three observed variables namely Ask What Learned (AWL), Book Discussion (BD), and Talk About What Read (TAWR). The score of Reading Attainment (RA) for the students is taken from the data bank of PIRLS 2011. In relation to the statement, the Overall Reading (OR = PV1 – PV5) is standardized by using the mean score 500 and the standard deviation 100 .


Reading, Indonesia, Family Influence, Achievement
