fini /clear,start *get,zeit,active,0,time,cpu /DSCALE,ALL,1.0 /config,nres,10000 save !****************************** !Parameter input !****************************** !geometry data !****************************** !Number of finger electrodes fingernum = 16 !Wavelength wl = 0.56e-3 !smooth junction distance auslauf = 6e-3 !number of steps for smooth junction Anzabst = 12 !width of electrodes (y direction) ebreite = 1e-4 !substrate thickness subdick = 3e-3 !Width of IDTs (z direction - for impedance determination) b_IDT = 26.38e-3 !outer region for damping the SAW prdaempf = 3*wl !undamped traveling distance above actuator laufstr = 4*wl !undamped traveling distance under actuator laufstr1 = wl/10 !thickness of top electrode ded = 8e-6 !thickness of ground electrode ged = 12e-6 !thickness of isolation layer id = 25e-6 !thickness including substrate, isolation layer, ground electrode and PZT layer kerdick = subdick+ged+id+1.51e-4 !overhang of PZT layer (y-direction) pztueber = auslauf+0.16e-3 !overhang of isolation layer (y-direction) isoueber = 1e-3 !****************************** !material data !****************************** !Young's modulus substrate (DIN 1.4016) emod = 2.1e11 !Poisson's ratio substrate pz = 0.27 !Density substrate dichte = 7850 !damping coefficient of outer region daempf = 5e-9 !elasticity of PZT-8 (here given for Z-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around x,5..around y,6..around z) sz11 = 1.15e-11 sz12 = -3.70e-12 sz13 = -4.80e-12 sz14 = 0 sz15 = 0 sz16 = 0 sz21 = -3.70e-12 sz22 = 1.15e-11 sz23 = -4.80e-12 sz24 = 0 sz25 = 0 sz26 = 0 sz31 = -4.80e-12 sz32 = -4.80e-12 sz33 = 1.35e-11 sz34 = 0 sz35 = 0 sz36 = 0 sz41 = 0 sz42 = 0 sz43 = 0 sz44 = 3.19e-11 sz45 = 0 sz46 = 0 sz51 = 0 sz52 = 0 sz53 = 0 sz54 = 0 sz55 = 3.19e-11 sz56 = 0 sz61 = 0 sz62 = 0 sz63 = 0 sz64 = 0 sz65 = 0 sz66 = 3.04e-11 !piez. coupling-coeff. of PZT-8 (here given for Z-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around x,5..around y,6..around z) dz11 = 0 dz12 = 0 dz13 = -0.97e-10/225*140 dz21 = 0 dz22 = 0 dz23 = -0.97e-10/225*140 dz31 = 0 dz32 = 0 dz33 = 2.25e-10/225*140 dz41 = 0 dz42 = 3.30e-10/225*140 dz43 = 0 dz51 = 3.30e-10/225*140 dz52 = 0 dz53 = 0 dz61 = 0 dz62 = 0 dz63 = 0 !rel. dielektr. const. of PZT-8 (here given for Z-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around x,5..around y,6..around z) erz11 = 1290 erz12 = 0 erz13 = 0 erz21 = 0 erz22 = 1290 erz23 = 0 erz31 = 0 erz32 = 0 erz33 = 1000 !elasticity of PZT-8 (here given for X-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around x,5..around y,6..around z) hsx11 = sz33 hsx12 = sz31 hsx13 = sz32 hsx14 = sz36 hsx15 = sz34 hsx16 = sz35 hsx21 = sz13 hsx22 = sz11 hsx23 = sz12 hsx24 = sz16 hsx25 = sz14 hsx26 = sz15 hsx31 = sz23 hsx32 = sz21 hsx33 = sz22 hsx34 = sz26 hsx35 = sz24 hsx36 = sz25 hsx41 = sz63 hsx42 = sz61 hsx43 = sz62 hsx44 = sz66 hsx45 = sz64 hsx46 = sz65 hsx51 = sz43 hsx52 = sz41 hsx53 = sz42 hsx54 = sz46 hsx55 = sz44 hsx56 = sz45 hsx61 = sz53 hsx62 = sz51 hsx63 = sz52 hsx64 = sz56 hsx65 = sz54 hsx66 = sz55 !piez. coupling-coeff. of PZT-8 (here given for X-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around x,5..around y,6..around z) hdx11 = dz33 hdx12 = dz31 hdx13 = dz32 hdx21 = dz13 hdx22 = dz11 hdx23 = dz12 hdx31 = dz23 hdx32 = dz21 hdx33 = dz22 hdx41 = dz63 hdx42 = dz61 hdx43 = dz62 hdx51 = dz43 hdx52 = dz41 hdx53 = dz42 hdx61 = dz53 hdx62 = dz51 hdx63 = dz52 !rel. dielektr. const. of PZT-8 (here given for X-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around x,5..around y,6..around z) herx11 = erz33 herx12 = erz31 herx13 = erz32 herx21 = erz13 herx22 = erz11 herx23 = erz12 herx31 = erz23 herx32 = erz21 herx33 = erz22 !elasticity of PZT-8 (here given for X-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around z,5..around x,6..around y) sx11 = hsx11 sx12 = hsx12 sx13 = hsx13 sx14 = hsx16 sx15 = hsx14 sx16 = hsx15 sx21 = hsx21 sx22 = hsx22 sx23 = hsx23 sx24 = hsx26 sx25 = hsx24 sx26 = hsx25 sx31 = hsx31 sx32 = hsx32 sx33 = hsx33 sx34 = hsx36 sx35 = hsx34 sx36 = hsx35 sx41 = hsx61 sx42 = hsx62 sx43 = hsx63 sx44 = hsx66 sx45 = hsx64 sx46 = hsx65 sx51 = hsx41 sx52 = hsx42 sx53 = hsx43 sx54 = hsx46 sx55 = hsx44 sx56 = hsx45 sx61 = hsx51 sx62 = hsx52 sx63 = hsx53 sx64 = hsx56 sx65 = hsx54 sx66 = hsx55 !piez. coupling-coeff. of PZT-8 (here given for X-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around z,5..around x,6..around y) dx11 = hdx11 dx12 = hdx12 dx13 = hdx13 dx21 = hdx21 dx22 = hdx22 dx23 = hdx23 dx31 = hdx31 dx32 = hdx32 dx33 = hdx33 dx41 = hdx61 dx42 = hdx62 dx43 = hdx63 dx51 = hdx41 dx52 = hdx42 dx53 = hdx43 dx61 = hdx51 dx62 = hdx52 dx63 = hdx53 !rel. dielektr. const. of PZT-8 (here given for X-polarization; format: 1..x,2..y,3..z,4..around z,5..around x,6..around y) erx11 = herx11 erx12 = herx12 erx13 = herx13 erx21 = herx21 erx22 = herx22 erx23 = herx23 erx31 = herx31 erx32 = herx32 erx33 = herx33 !Density of PZT-8 dichtepzt = 7600 !Young's modulus of elektrode (gold) emodele = 7e10 !Poisson's ratio of electrode pzele = 0.42 !Density of electrode dichteele = 19320 !Young's modulus of isolation (Macor) emodiso = 6.69e10 !Poisson's ratio of isolation pziso = 0.29 !Density of isolation dichteiso = 2520 !rel. dielektr. const. of isolation erz11iso = 5 !****************************** !stimulation and simulation data !****************************** !Voltage amplitude (0-peak) u0p = 1 !Start frequency fmin = 3.5e6 !End frequency fmax = 6.0e6 !Number of series points zyxend= 50 !Number of time periods per series point nper = 55 !Number of periods, considered for results AnzMW = 10 !****************************** !Creating output file !****************************** *get,ctime1,active,0,time,cpu !generating unique ID *get,ctime,active,0,time,wall ctime=ctime+ctime1 /OUTPUT,_output_%ctime%,out *cfopen,Deflections_%fingernum%_%wl%_%ctime%,txt *cfwrite,,Frequency,Num_fingers,average_ampl,standard_derivation_Ampl,Re_Z,Im_Z *cfclos save *do,zyx,0,zyxend !Calculate each series point parsav,all resume parres /prep7 *if,zyx,eq,0,then !Defining arrays for calculation of averaged deflection *DIM,disknot,array,nint(laufstr/wl-1),AnzMW *DIM,knotnumarr,array,nint(laufstr/wl-1) *DIM,flagzaehl,array,nint(laufstr/wl-1),2 *DIM,maxux,array,nint(laufstr/wl-1) *endif !****************************** !resulting parameters !****************************** !Pi pi=acos(-1) !current frequency f = fmin+(fmax-fmin)*zyx/zyxend !mesh size vdichte = wl/10/1.25**4 !simulation time tsim = nper/f !simulation steps schritte = 40*tsim*f !angular velocity omega = 2*pi*f !****************************** !geometry definition !****************************** !key points !****************************** k,1,0,0,0 k,2,subdick,0,0 k,3,0,prdaempf,0 k,4,subdick,prdaempf,0 k,5,0,prdaempf+laufstr1,0 k,6,subdick,prdaempf+laufstr1,0 k,7,subdick+id,prdaempf+laufstr1,0 k,8,subdick+id+ged,prdaempf+laufstr1,0 k,9,0,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber,0 k,10,subdick,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber,0 k,11,subdick+id,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber,0 k,12,subdick+id+ged,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber,0 k,13,kerdick,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber,0 *do,i,1,fingernum k,12*i+2,0,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2,0 k,12*i+3,subdick,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2,0 k,12*i+4,subdick+id,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2,0 k,12*i+5,subdick+id+ged,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2,0 k,12*i+6,kerdick,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2,0 k,12*i+7,kerdick+ded,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2,0 k,12*i+8,0,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2+ebreite,0 k,12*i+9,subdick,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2+ebreite,0 k,12*i+10,subdick+id,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2+ebreite,0 k,12*i+11,subdick+id+ged,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2+ebreite,0 k,12*i+12,kerdick,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2+ebreite,0 k,12*i+13,kerdick+ded,prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(i-1)*wl/2+ebreite,0 *enddo yhilf = prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+pztueber+(fingernum-1)*wl/2+ebreite+pztueber k,12*(fingernum)+14,0,yhilf,0 k,12*(fingernum)+15,subdick,yhilf,0 k,12*(fingernum)+16,subdick+id,yhilf,0 k,12*(fingernum)+17,subdick+id+ged,yhilf,0 k,12*(fingernum)+18,kerdick,yhilf,0 k,12*(fingernum)+19,kerdick+ded,yhilf,0 k,12*(fingernum)+20,0,yhilf+isoueber,0 k,12*(fingernum)+21,subdick,yhilf+isoueber,0 k,12*(fingernum)+22,subdick+id,yhilf+isoueber,0 k,12*(fingernum)+23,subdick+id+ged,yhilf+isoueber,0 k,12*(fingernum)+24,0,yhilf+isoueber+laufstr,0 k,12*(fingernum)+25,subdick,yhilf+isoueber+laufstr,0 k,12*(fingernum)+26,0,yhilf+isoueber+laufstr+prdaempf,0 k,12*(fingernum)+27,subdick,yhilf+isoueber+laufstr+prdaempf,0 !****************************** !Areas !****************************** a,1,2,4,3 a,3,4,6,5 a,5,6,10,9 a,6,7,11,10 a,7,8,12,11 a,9,10,15,14 a,10,11,16,15 a,11,12,17,16 a,12,13,18,17 *do,i,1,fingernum a,12*i+2,12*i+3,12*i+9,12*i+8 a,12*i+3,12*i+4,12*i+10,12*i+9 a,12*i+4,12*i+5,12*i+11,12*i+10 a,12*i+5,12*i+6,12*i+12,12*i+11 a,12*i+6,12*i+7,12*i+13,12*i+12 a,12*i+8,12*i+9,12*i+15,12*i+14 a,12*i+9,12*i+10,12*i+16,12*i+15 a,12*i+10,12*i+11,12*i+17,12*i+16 a,12*i+11,12*i+12,12*i+18,12*i+17 *enddo a,12*fingernum+14,12*fingernum+15,12*fingernum+21,12*fingernum+20 a,12*fingernum+15,12*fingernum+16,12*fingernum+22,12*fingernum+21 a,12*fingernum+16,12*fingernum+17,12*fingernum+23,12*fingernum+22 a,12*fingernum+20,12*fingernum+21,12*fingernum+25,12*fingernum+24 a,12*fingernum+24,12*fingernum+25,12*fingernum+27,12*fingernum+26 !****************************** !Determining mesh size !****************************** locy = prdaempf/2 lsel,s,loc,y,locy*(1-1e-5),locy*(1+1e-5) lsel,r,loc,x,0 cm,daempflinien1,line !defining components for separate mesh sizes lesize,all,vdichte*5,,,10 locy = yhilf+isoueber+laufstr+prdaempf/2 lsel,s,loc,y,locy*(1-1e-5),locy*(1+1e-5) lsel,r,loc,x,0 cm,daempflinien2,line lesize,all,vdichte*5,,,1/10 locy = prdaempf/2 lsel,s,loc,y,locy*(1-1e-5),locy*(1+1e-5) lsel,r,loc,x,subdick cm,daempflinien3,line lesize,all,vdichte*5,,,1/10 locy = yhilf+isoueber+laufstr+prdaempf/2 lsel,s,loc,y,locy*(1-1e-5),locy*(1+1e-5) lsel,r,loc,x,subdick cm,daempflinien4,line lesize,all,vdichte*5,,,10 lsel,s,loc,x,subdick/2 lsel,u,,,1 cm,tiefenlinien1,line lesize,all,vdichte*5,,,10 lsel,s,,,1 cm,tiefenlinien2,line lesize,all,vdichte*5,,,1/10 allsel lsel,u,,,daempflinien1 lsel,u,,,daempflinien2 lsel,u,,,daempflinien3 lsel,u,,,daempflinien4 lsel,u,,,tiefenlinien1 lsel,u,,,tiefenlinien2 lesize,all,vdichte allsel !****************************** !Defining components for different parts !****************************** asel,s,loc,y,prdaempf/2 asel,a,loc,y,yhilf+isoueber+laufstr+prdaempf/2 cm,Daempfung,area asel,s,loc,x,subdick/2 asel,u,,,Daempfung cm,substrate,area asel,s,loc,x,subdick+id/2 cm,Isolation,area asel,s,loc,x,subdick+id+ged/2 cm,Leitschicht,area asel,s,loc,x,subdick+id+ged+(kerdick-subdick-id-ged)/2 cm,Piezo,area asel,s,loc,x,14,kerdick+ded/2 cm,Elektr,area allsel !****************************** !Allocate and mesh substrate !****************************** et,1,223 keyopt,1,1,1001 keyopt,1,3,2 asel,s,,,substrate aktemod = emod aktpz = pz aktdichte = dichte TB,ANEL,3,1,21,1 TBTEMP,0 TBDATA,,1/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,0,0,0 TBDATA,,1/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,0,0,0,1/aktemod TBDATA,,0,0,0,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,0,0 TBDATA,,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,0,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,,, TBDE,PIEZ,1 TB,PIEZ,3,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,0 TBMODIF,1,2,0 TBMODIF,1,3,0 TBMODIF,2,1,0 TBMODIF,2,2,0 TBMODIF,2,3,0 TBMODIF,3,1,0 TBMODIF,3,2,0 TBMODIF,3,3,0 TBMODIF,4,1,0 TBMODIF,4,2,0 TBMODIF,4,3,0 TBMODIF,5,1,0 TBMODIF,5,2,0 TBMODIF,5,3,0 TBMODIF,6,1,0 TBMODIF,6,2,0 TBMODIF,6,3,0 TBDE,DPER,1 TB,DPER,3,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,1 TBMODIF,1,2,1 TBMODIF,1,3,1 TBMODIF,1,4,0 TBMODIF,1,5,0 TBMODIF,1,6,0 MP,DENS,3,aktdichte type,1 mat,3 real,1 amesh,all !****************************** !Allocate and mesh outer regions of substrate !****************************** et,4,223 keyopt,4,1,1001 keyopt,4,3,2 asel,s,,,Daempfung aktemod = emod aktpz = pz aktdichte = dichte TB,ANEL,4,1,21,1 TBTEMP,0 TBDATA,,1/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,0,0,0 TBDATA,,1/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,0,0,0,1/aktemod TBDATA,,0,0,0,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,0,0 TBDATA,,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,0,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,,, TBDE,PIEZ,1 TB,PIEZ,4,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,0 TBMODIF,1,2,0 TBMODIF,1,3,0 TBMODIF,2,1,0 TBMODIF,2,2,0 TBMODIF,2,3,0 TBMODIF,3,1,0 TBMODIF,3,2,0 TBMODIF,3,3,0 TBMODIF,4,1,0 TBMODIF,4,2,0 TBMODIF,4,3,0 TBMODIF,5,1,0 TBMODIF,5,2,0 TBMODIF,5,3,0 TBMODIF,6,1,0 TBMODIF,6,2,0 TBMODIF,6,3,0 TBDE,DPER,1 TB,DPER,4,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,1 TBMODIF,1,2,1 TBMODIF,1,3,1 TBMODIF,1,4,0 TBMODIF,1,5,0 TBMODIF,1,6,0 MP,DENS,4,aktdichte mp,damp,4,daempf type,4 mat,4 real,1 amesh,all !****************************** !Allocate and mesh electrodes !****************************** et,5,223 keyopt,5,1,1001 keyopt,5,3,2 asel,s,,,Elektr asel,a,,,Leitschicht aktemod = emodele aktpz = pzele aktdichte = dichteele TB,ANEL,5,1,21,1 TBTEMP,0 TBDATA,,1/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,0,0,0 TBDATA,,1/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,0,0,0,1/aktemod TBDATA,,0,0,0,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,0,0 TBDATA,,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,0,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,,, TBDE,PIEZ,1 TB,PIEZ,5,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,0 TBMODIF,1,2,0 TBMODIF,1,3,0 TBMODIF,2,1,0 TBMODIF,2,2,0 TBMODIF,2,3,0 TBMODIF,3,1,0 TBMODIF,3,2,0 TBMODIF,3,3,0 TBMODIF,4,1,0 TBMODIF,4,2,0 TBMODIF,4,3,0 TBMODIF,5,1,0 TBMODIF,5,2,0 TBMODIF,5,3,0 TBMODIF,6,1,0 TBMODIF,6,2,0 TBMODIF,6,3,0 TBDE,DPER,1 TB,DPER,5,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,1 TBMODIF,1,2,1 TBMODIF,1,3,1 TBMODIF,1,4,0 TBMODIF,1,5,0 TBMODIF,1,6,0 MP,DENS,5,aktdichte !****************************** !Allocate and mesh isolation !****************************** type,5 mat,5 real,4 amesh,all et,6,223 keyopt,6,1,1001 keyopt,6,3,2 asel,s,,,Isolation aktemod = emodiso aktpz = pziso aktdichte = dichteiso TB,ANEL,6,1,21,1 TBTEMP,0 TBDATA,,1/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,0,0,0 TBDATA,,1/aktemod,-1*aktpz/aktemod,0,0,0,1/aktemod TBDATA,,0,0,0,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,0,0 TBDATA,,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,0,2*(1+aktpz)/aktemod,,, TBDE,PIEZ,1 TB,PIEZ,6,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,0!1e-30 TBMODIF,1,2,0 TBMODIF,1,3,0 TBMODIF,2,1,0!-1e-30 TBMODIF,2,2,0 TBMODIF,2,3,0 TBMODIF,3,1,0!-1e-30 TBMODIF,3,2,0 TBMODIF,3,3,0 TBMODIF,4,1,0 TBMODIF,4,2,0 TBMODIF,4,3,0 TBMODIF,5,1,0 TBMODIF,5,2,0 TBMODIF,5,3,0!1e-30 TBMODIF,6,1,0 TBMODIF,6,2,0!1e-30 TBMODIF,6,3,0 TBDE,DPER,1 TB,DPER,6,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,erz11iso TBMODIF,1,2,erz11iso TBMODIF,1,3,erz11iso TBMODIF,1,4,0 TBMODIF,1,5,0 TBMODIF,1,6,0 MP,DENS,6,aktdichte type,6 mat,6 real,6 amesh,all !****************************** !Allocate and mesh PZT (polarized in X-direction) !****************************** asel,s,,,piezo et,2,223 keyopt,2,1,1001 keyopt,2,3,2 TB,ANEL,2,1,21,1 TBTEMP,0 TBDATA,,sx11,sx12,sx13,sx14,sx15,sx16 TBDATA,,sx22,sx23,sx24,sx25,sx26,sx33 TBDATA,,sx34,sx35,sx36,sx44,sx45,sx46 TBDATA,,sx55,sx56,sx66,,, TBDE,PIEZ,1 TB,PIEZ,2,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,dx11 TBMODIF,1,2,dx12 TBMODIF,1,3,dx13 TBMODIF,2,1,dx21 TBMODIF,2,2,dx22 TBMODIF,2,3,dx23 TBMODIF,3,1,dx31 TBMODIF,3,2,dx32 TBMODIF,3,3,dx33 TBMODIF,4,1,dx41 TBMODIF,4,2,dx42 TBMODIF,4,3,dx43 TBMODIF,5,1,dx51 TBMODIF,5,2,dx52 TBMODIF,5,3,dx53 TBMODIF,6,1,dx61 TBMODIF,6,2,dx62 TBMODIF,6,3,dx63 TBDE,DPER,1 TB,DPER,2,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,erx11 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,2,erx22 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,3,erx33 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,4,erx12 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,5,erx23 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,6,erx13 !relative permittivity required MP,DENS,2,dichtepzt type,2 mat,2 real,2 amesh,all !****************************** !modification of PZT for smooth junction !****************************** yhilf2 = prdaempf+laufstr1+isoueber+auslauf *do,i,1,Anzabst esel,s,type,,2 nsel,s,loc,y,yhilf-auslauf/Anzabst*(Anzabst+1-i),yhilf-auslauf/Anzabst*(Anzabst-i) nsel,a,loc,y,yhilf2-auslauf/Anzabst*(i),yhilf2-auslauf/Anzabst*(i-1) esln,r fkt = Anzabst/(Anzabst+1-i) TB,ANEL,10+i,1,21,1 TBTEMP,0 TBDATA,,sx11*fkt,sx12*fkt,sx13*fkt,sx14*fkt,sx15*fkt,sx16*fkt TBDATA,,sx22*fkt,sx23*fkt,sx24*fkt,sx25*fkt,sx26*fkt,sx33*fkt TBDATA,,sx34*fkt,sx35*fkt,sx36*fkt,sx44*fkt,sx45*fkt,sx46*fkt TBDATA,,sx55*fkt,sx56*fkt,sx66*fkt,,, TBDE,PIEZ,1 TB,PIEZ,10+i,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,dx11 TBMODIF,1,2,dx12 TBMODIF,1,3,dx13 TBMODIF,2,1,dx21 TBMODIF,2,2,dx22 TBMODIF,2,3,dx23 TBMODIF,3,1,dx31 TBMODIF,3,2,dx32 TBMODIF,3,3,dx33 TBMODIF,4,1,dx41 TBMODIF,4,2,dx42 TBMODIF,4,3,dx43 TBMODIF,5,1,dx51 TBMODIF,5,2,dx52 TBMODIF,5,3,dx53 TBMODIF,6,1,dx61 TBMODIF,6,2,dx62 TBMODIF,6,3,dx63 TBDE,DPER,1 TB,DPER,10+i,,,1 TBMODIF,1,1,erx11 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,2,erx22 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,3,erx33 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,4,erx12 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,5,erx23 !relative permittivity required TBMODIF,1,6,erx13 !relative permittivity required MP,DENS,10+i,dichtepzt*(Anzabst+1-i)/Anzabst emodif,all,mat,10+i *enddo allsel !****************************** !Simulation definition !****************************** /solu /dscale,,1e3 antype,trans,new *if,zyx,eq,0,then !define sinusoidal voltage *DIM,spannung,TABLE,1e5,1 *endif *do,i,1,1e5 spannung(i,0)=tsim/schritte*i spannung(i,1)=u0p*SIN(2*pi*f*tsim/schritte*i) *enddo time,tsim deltim,tsim/schritte,tsim/schritte,tsim/schritte tintp,,0.25,0.5,0.5 outres,all,all nsel,s,loc,y,0 !constrain substrate in Y-direction nsel,a,loc,y,yhilf+isoueber+laufstr+prdaempf d,all,uy,0 lsel,s,,,34,34+(fingernum/2-1)*42,42 !Defining components for plus and minus electrode nsll,,1 cm,plusel,node lsel,s,,,55,55+(fingernum/2-1)*42,42 nsll,,1 cm,minusel,node nsel,s,,,plusel !Applying voltage on electrodes d,all,volt,%spannung% nsel,s,,,minusel d,all,volt,0 nsel,s,loc,x,subdick+ged,subdick+ged+id !Making ground electrode conducting cp,1,volt,all esel,s,type,,1,4,3 !Making steel substrate conducting nsle,,1 cp,2,volt,all allsel parsav,all solve !Solving /post1 !****************************** !Determining averaged deflection and standard deviation of deflection !****************************** *do,j,1,nint(laufstr/wl-1) !Determining nodes in undamped traveling region with distance of one wavelength for deflection determination nsel,s,loc,y,yhilf+isoueber+j*wl,yhilf+isoueber+(j+1)*wl nsel,r,loc,x,subdick *get,aktknotpos,node,0,mnloc,y nsel,r,loc,y,aktknotpos,aktknotpos+1e-8 *get,knotnumarr(j),node,0,num,min *enddo set,last allsel *do,j,1,nint((AnzMW+1)*schritte/tsim/f) !determining maximum deflection for the last periods *do,k,1,nint(laufstr/wl-1) !Adressing each node, determined before *if,j,eq,1,then maxux(k)=0 flagzaehl(k,1)=0 !Don't consider maximum deflection of incomplete first period flagzaehl(k,2)=1 !Determining the current period for storing deflection *endif *if,flagzaehl(k,2),le,AnzMW,then *get,aktdis,node,knotnumarr(k),u,x !Get current deflection *if,aktdis,gt,0,then !Only consider positive deflections *if,flagzaehl(k,1),gt,0,then !Only consider positive deflections of a complete period flagzaehl(k,1) = 2 *if,aktdis,gt,maxux(k),then !Only consider the maximum maxux(k) = aktdis *endif *endif *else *if,flagzaehl(k,1),eq,0,then !Marking the first complete period flagzaehl(k,1) = 1 *elseif,flagzaehl(k,1),eq,2,then !When it's the first negative deflection, store the maximum deflection and wait for the next positive deflection disknot(k,flagzaehl(k,2)) = maxux(k) maxux(k)=0 flagzaehl(k,1) = 1 flagzaehl(k,2) = flagzaehl(k,2)+1 *endif *endif *endif *enddo set,prev !select next time step *enddo uxmittel = 0 uxstdabw = 0 *do,j,1,AnzMW !Mittelwert bilden aus allen Verschiebungen !Determining averaged deflection over all points and considered time steps *do,k,1,nint(laufstr/wl-1) uxmittel = uxmittel+disknot(k,j) *enddo *enddo uxmittel = uxmittel/AnzMW/nint(laufstr/wl-1) *do,j,1,AnzMW !Mittelwert bilden aus allen Verschiebungen !Determining standard derivation of deflection over all points and considered time steps *do,k,1,nint(laufstr/wl-1) uxstdabw = uxstdabw+(disknot(k,j)-uxmittel)**2 *enddo *enddo uxstdabw = (uxstdabw/AnzMW/nint(laufstr/wl-1))**0.5 !****************************** !Determining charge and voltage for one period !****************************** fini /post1 *if,zyx,eq,0,then *DIM,ladarray,array,AnzMW*schritte/tsim/f,2 *endif *do,g,1,AnzMW*schritte/tsim/f !consider periods *if,g,eq,1,then set,last *else set,prev *endif allsel nsel,s,,,plusel FSUM,0,ALL *get,Q_norm,FSUM,0,ITEM,CHRG !Determining charge on plus electrode Ladung = Q_norm*b_IDT *get,aktzeit,ACTIVE,0,set,time ladarray(g,1) = aktzeit ladarray(g,2) = Ladung *enddo a_l = 0 *do,g,1,schritte/tsim/f !Determining first approximation for amplitude of charge *if,a_l,lt,ladarray(g,2),then a_l=ladarray(g,2) *endif *enddo quadfehl = 1e5 *do,g,1,360 aktphi_l = g/180*pi aktquadfehl=0 *do,h,1,schritte/tsim/f !Determining phase shift of charge by mean squared error regarding ideal curve aktquadfehl=aktquadfehl+(ladarray(h,2)-a_l*sin(2*pi*f*ladarray(h,1)+aktphi_l))**2 *enddo *if,aktquadfehl,lt,quadfehl,then !adopt best value quadfehl = aktquadfehl phi_l = aktphi_l *endif *enddo !****************************** !Fitting amplitude and phase of charge by optimization !****************************** letztquadfehl = 1e5 letzta_l = a_l letztphi_l = phi_l schleife = 1 abbruchzaehler = 0 variation = 1 *dowhile,schleife *if,abbruchzaehler,eq,20,then !Reducing variation abbruchzaehler = 0 variation = 0.8*variation *endif akta_l = (1-RAND(-variation*0.1,variation*0.1))*letzta_l !random varying of amplitude and phase of charge aktphi_l = (1-RAND(-variation*10/180*pi,variation*10/180*pi))*letztphi_l aktquadfehl=0 *do,h,1,AnzMW*schritte/tsim/f aktquadfehl=aktquadfehl+(ladarray(h,2)-akta_l*sin(2*pi*f*ladarray(h,1)+aktphi_l))**2 !Determining mean squared error regarding ideal curve *enddo *if,letztquadfehl,gt,aktquadfehl,then !adopt best values letztquadfehl = aktquadfehl letzta_l = akta_l letztphi_l = aktphi_l *else abbruchzaehler = abbruchzaehler+1 *endif *if,variation,lt,0.05,then !Stop, when variation is small enough schleife = 0 *endif *enddo a_l = letzta_l !finally adopt best values phi_l = letztphi_l !****************************** !Calculating impedance !****************************** a_i=a_l*2*pi*f !Determining current phi_i=phi_l+pi/2 a_z=u0p/a_i !Determing amplitude and phase of impedance phi_z=-phi_i R = a_z*cos(phi_z) X = a_z*sin(phi_z) !****************************** !Storing Results in file !****************************** *cfopen,Deflections_%fingernum%_%wl%_%ctime%,txt,,APPEND _f = f _fingernum = fingernum _mittlux = uxmittel _stdabwux = uxstdabw _R = R _X = X *cfwrite,,_f,_fingernum,_mittlux,_stdabwux,_R,_X *cfclos !****************************** !Store time dependent deflections for each series point !****************************** /POST26 FILE,,'rst','.' /UI,COLL,1 NUMVAR,200 SOLU,191,NCMIT STORE,MERGE FILLDATA,191,,,,1,1 REALVAR,191,191 nsel,s,loc,x,subdick nsel,r,loc,y,yhilf+isoueber+wl,yhilf+isoueber+laufstr *get,aktknot,NODE,0,num,min allsel NSOL,2,aktknot,U,X, UX_2 STORE,MERGE XVAR,1 PLVAR,2, *DEL,_P26_EXPORT *DIM,_P26_EXPORT,TABLE,schritte,1 VGET,_P26_EXPORT(1,0),1 VGET,_P26_EXPORT(1,1),2 /OUTPUT,'time_dep_displacement_%wl%_%ctime%_%f%','txt','.' *VWRITE,'TIME','UX_2' %14C %14C *VWRITE,_P26_EXPORT(1,0),_P26_EXPORT(1,1) %14.5G %14.5G /OUTPUT,TERM parsav,all *enddo save