Dietary sugars silence the master regulator of carbohydrate utilization in human gut Bacteroides species

Published: 23 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/jv2vf34zg2.1
Victoria Pearce


This data corresponds to Dietary sugars silence the master regulator of carbohydrate utilization in human gut Bacteroides species. In this manuscript, we investigate the impact dietary sugar has on colonization and transcription factors in Bacteroides. These files include quantified western blots, transcript measurement by qPCR, ChIP, and in vivo competition assays. Data files are in .xlsx with biological replicates arrayed left to right with corresponding treatment data points arrayed top to bottom and each figure panel has an individual worksheet. These data were analyzed in Prism with two-way ANOVA used for all experiments with equal n or one-way for unequal n.



Penn State College of Medicine


Microbiology, Bacteriology
