We have attempted to make our analyses reproducible. To facilitate this, we have provided compressed versions of some of the data (e.g., usa_tasmax.rda for Section 5.1 and and tasmax_smooth.rda for Section 4). When this was not possible (i.e., for the NA-CORDEX data) we have provided download links for the needed files that were current as of early October 2019. The files in A should be run in order, then the files in B, then the files in C, and then the files in D. We strongly recommend users use a multi-threaded BLAS (e.g., the INTEL MKL or OpenBLAS) as this will greatly speed-up the computations. The scripts all assume the relevant data files are available in the user's current working directory. The following R packages should be installed to complete the analyses: hero (from source) ncdf4 abind ggplot2 autoimage xtable sp