Modelling Lane-changing Behaviour of Vehicles at Merge Section Under Mixed Traffic Conditions

Published: 21 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nz3rtgwdyy.1
bhargav naidu


The traffic flow in southeast Asian countries comprises of vehicles of various static and dynamic characteristics (mixed traffic conditions). In these conditions, there exists free movement (lane-less movement) behaviour particularly amongst the two-wheelers. In this traffic regime, the manoeuvre of vehicles is a complex phenomenon leading to integrated driving behaviour. The aim of this article is to assess the lane-changing behaviour of vehicles under mixed traffic stream at the merged section of urban roads. The lane-changing model MOBIL (Minimising Overall Braking Induced by Lane Changes) is combined with the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) as an underlying car-following model to implement lane-changing rules for different vehicle classes, upon applying the "Politeness", and "Vehicle-type" factors. The traffic flow during peak hours at the merging section is analysed microscopically through video data. Based on these data, the merging behaviour models for studying discretionary and mandatory lane changing behaviours are developed. The merging manoeuvre data from video recording is utilised to calibrate and validate the models. The findings from this article enable one to understand the lane-changing movements of different vehicle-types at merging sections. Also, the developed models can be utilised to mimic congested traffic stream realistically under mixed traffic conditions. Finally, this study provides a deeper insight into the safety management at uncontrolled junctions, thus enabling one to implement various traffic control measures.



Taylor's College Sdn Bhd


Model of Traffic Behavior, Road Transportation
