=== EEG and Behavioral data for article "An ecological measure of rapid and automatic face-sex categorization" === ORGANISATION ------Main Analysis -------------EEG data -------------OrthogonalTask data -------------Participant infos ------Supplementary Analyses -------------Start and end Epoch EEG data -------------Stimuli judgment Behavioral data ------ EEG Data files ------ There are two files per participant (.lw6 and .mat) from S01 to S40. These files correspond to preprocessed EEG data (BioSemi 64 channels, BDF files) for each condition of face sex categorization (F_upr = women upright, M_upr = male upright, F_inv = female inverted, M_inv = male inverted). They can be analyzed using the free toolbox: letswave 6 (https://www.letswave.org/), running on Matlab. Preprocessing consisted in: 1. Importing BDF files in Letswave 6 2. Bandpassing (0.1 - 100 Hz) using Butterworth filter (4th order) 3. Resampling to 200 Hz 4. Segmentation in 34-secs segments for each stimulation sequence including 2 secs. before the fade-in and 1 sec. after the fade-out 5. Independent Component Analysis removing components corresponding to eye blinks and/or artifacts over frontal and temporal regions 6. Interpolation of artifact-ridden or noisy channels 7. Re-referencing to a common average reference 8. Sorting by condititon and segmentation into 31-secs segments (from 1st full contrast picture to the end of fade-out). 9. Averaging the four repetitions of each condition together thus resulting in a single segment per condition and participant -------------MainAnalysis data info------------- Each participant has 4 datasets, each corresponding to the average of the 4 repetitions of the 4 conditions in the time domain (step 9). -------------Start and End epoch data info------------- Each condition is presented with start and end epochs. They correspond to merges of concatenated segments (starts or ends) of each repetition from individual datasets before they were merged for the main analysis (step 8). e.g. : M_upr for S01 initially consists in 31-sec-long epochs (one trial) x 4 repetitions. This step corresponded to extract the first 6 or last seconds of each trial and to concatenate them into a single 24-sec-long epoch (to increase SNR in the frequency domain) per participant and condition. Each epoch of the merge file corresponds to one participant in increasing order (e.g. S01 -> Epoch 1) -------------StimuliJudgment Behav data (file)------------- Participants infos (different from the EEG experiment) are included along with raw data from Eprime. -------------Experiment Program Code (file)------------- You will find in this folder the Experiment Program code used for the Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation of the Main Experiment (FPVS-EEG). It runs on a custom software currently protected by copyright (November 2019). Access to this software is possible by contacting the corresponding author of the associated paper and refering to this Database. More information will be given on the availability of the software (currently still under development for licensing and sharing). The code must be imported as a Program (see DiagramSoftware.png if you are not familiar with the structure). The Experiment code includes all 4 conditions (CATupFE/MA and CATinFE/MA) used in the FPVS-EEG experiment.