Column names for ALTlimiter: - Name: name of the tile in TEXTOR X/Y with X as blade number and Y as tile number on the blade - blade: blade number - tile loc: position on the blade, running from 1 to 14 (there were 28 tiles in two rows) - length: in mm, overall tile length in poloidal direction - z=0: in mm, position offset for proper z-positioning on the tile - needed only for calculation of correct poloidal position - z-pos: in mm, z-positioning on the tile, needed only for proper poloidal position calculation - tor. pos: in deg - toroidal position of the measurement point in TEXTOR, with 0 at gas inlet of MoF6 injection (= LL1 or "test limiter"), in direction of plasma current during experiment - pol. pos: in deg - poloidal position of the measurement point in TEXTOR, with 0 at the outer equator and -90 at the bottom of the machine (and the position of the MoF6 injection) - Mo peak: in 1E15/cm2 - areal Mo concentration in the surface peak (usually 50-150nm broad) - W peak: in 1E15/cm2 - areal W concentration in the surface peak (usually 50-150nm broad) - width: in 1E15/cm2 - width of the surface peak (assuming mainly carbon in the deposits, 1E16/cm2 corresponds to ca. 1nm) - Mo counts: amount of Mo counts in the surface peak for error estimation - W counts: amount of W counts in the surface peak for error estimation - Mo back: in ppm - relative amount of Mo in the deeper layers - W back: in ppm - relative amount of W in the deeper layers - Ni back: in ppm - relative amount of "Ni" (actually Co - Cu) in the deeper layers - Comments - Mo corr. peak: in 1E15/cm2 - amount of Mo in the peak minus background Mo - W corr. peak: in 1E15/cm2 - amount of W in the peak minus background W - Mo error: in % - assuming 10% error in cross sections, 10% error in current integration and additional statistical error due to peak counts - W error: in % - assuming 10% error in cross sections, 10% error in current integration and additional statistical error due to peak counts - Mo (1,5nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - amount of Mo from the MoF6 experiment, assuming a deposition rate of 1,5nm/s - Mo (3nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - amount of Mo from the MoF6 experiment, assuming a deposition rate of 3nm/s - Mo + vinc.: in 1E15/cm2 - amount of Mo from the MoF6 experiment, assuming a nonzero deposition rate just on the 4 neighbouring tiles around the gas inlet (5/14, 5/28, 6/1, 6/15) - BG correction (3nm/s): - in 1E15/cm2 - amount of Mo assumed from prior experiments with Mo, assuming 3nm/s deposition rate - BG correction (1,5nm/s): - in 1E15/cm2 - amount of Mo assumed from prior experiments with Mo, assuming 1,5nm/s deposition rate Additional column names for IBL: - DED: Inner Bumper Limiter tile number - row: row number - line: line number (1 = top, 10 = bottom) - edge low: in mm - lower edge position of tile during RBS measurements, used for correct *toroidal* positioning of measurement points (ALT tiles were measured along poloidal direction, IBL tiles along toroidal direction) - high: in mm - upper edge position of tile during RBS measurements - length: in mm - tile length along toroidal direction (due to torus geometry the equatorial tiles are smallest) - z on tile: in mm - position of measurement point, used only for calculation of correct toroidal position - Theta: in deg - toroidal position, with 0 at the MoF6 injection position - Phi: in deg - poloidal position, with 0 at the outer midplane and +-180 at the inner midplane - Comments on measuremens ---- some columns just as above --- - weight: in % - how representative is the measurement point position for the whole tile? (the IBL tiles had strong differences in appearance on the tile surface) - comments on evaluation - Mo peak total: in 1E15/cm2 - Mo amount per tile, weighted by "weight" - Theta aver.: in deg - average toroidal position of the three measurement points per tile - Phi: in deg - poloidal position (was always the same for all three measurements per tile) - Mo BG: in 1E15/cm2 - amount of Mo background to be subtracted from Mo peak amount - Mo peak corr. - Mo peak minus BG - W peak corr. - W peak minus BG - W BG: in 1E15/cm2 - amount of W background to be subtractd from W peak - Mo corr tot.: in 1E15/cm2 - Mo peak corr. weighted - W corr tot.: in 1E15/cm2 - W peak corr. weighted - Mo back tot.: in ppm - Mo BG weighted - W back tot.: in ppm - W BG weighted - Mo (1,5nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - Mo peak plus Mo "background" deposited during the MoF6 experiment, assuming 1,5nm/s deposition rate - Mo (1nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - Mo peak plus Mo "background" deposited during the MoF6 experiment, assuming 1nm/s deposition rate - Mo (2nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - Mo peak plus Mo "background" deposited during the MoF6 experiment, assuming 2nm/s deposition rate - Mo (3nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - Mo peak plus Mo "background" deposited during the MoF6 experiment, assuming 3nm/s deposition rate - Weight (1,5nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - Mo on tile assuming 1,5nm/s deposition rate, weighted - Weight (1nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - Mo on tile assuming 1nm/s deposition rate, weighted - Weight (2nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - Mo on tile assuming 2nm/s deposition rate, weighted - Weight (3nm/s): in 1E15/cm2 - Mo on tile assuming 3nm/s deposition rate, weighted