A Database of the Fluoride Content of Selected Drinks and Foods in the UK and Republic of Ireland

Published: 9 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v3gphvp7cs.1


It is important to monitor systemic fluoride (F) intake from foods, drinks and inadvertent toothpaste ingestion in order to minimise risk of dental fluorosis while maximising caries prevention. In collaboration with Newcastle University, we have developed and populated a “fluoride database” which includes the fluoride concentration (µg fluoride per 1g of the product) and content (µg fluoride per 100 g of the product) of a substantial number of food and drink products sold within the UK and Republic of Ireland, representing brands manufactured by leading companies in the European food market. The database is intended as a tool for public health professionals and policy-makers to facilitate monitoring of dietary fluoride intake, particularly in children. This publication provides information on fluoride concentrations of the most commonly consumed food and drink items in the UK, compiled from the results of a range of research projects funded by The Borrow Foundation and Organix Foundation and Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) Science Ltd. The background to the development of the database is described in our paper published in Caries Research (Zohoori & Maguire, 2016). The wide range of fluoride content within food and drink groups, verified within this fluoride database clearly highlights the need for comprehensive fluoride labelling of food and drink products, particularly those used primarily by infants and very young children (Zohoori & Maguire, 2018).


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Please note that the integrated dataset file is available free to use, however the dataset is protected by copyright and database right. The terms and conditions for use of the dataset are governed by a creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives licence and subject to attribution as detailed in Appendix 1. If you wish to re-use, modify or distribute the data or a subset of the data, either within this document, or by creating a new document (including both commercial and non-commercial products), you are required seek permission and a license; please email both of the contacts below for further information: At Teesside University: business@tees.ac.uk At Newcastle University: business@ncl.ac.uk


Teesside University


Public Health, Fluoride, Oral Health Research, Caries Prevention
