Data for: CNTF and CNTFRα are involved in the interaction of infected SPF chickens and recombinant avian leukosis virus isolate FJ15HT0

Published: 30 December 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vphc73c8x6.1
Xiaoping Wu, Wuduo Zhou, Shenyi Yu, Yajuan An, Yijian Wu, quanxi wang, Baocheng Wu, Rongbin Lu, Yukun Zeng, Jinrong Zhao


S1 file contains the details of the primers of the qRT-PCR. S2 file shows the signifcantly different expressed genes at the three ages between the two groups. S3 file contains the enrichment analysis including GO functional analysis and KEGG pathway analysis data of the research.



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