Pectin homogalacturonan nanofilament expansion drives morphogenesis in plant epidermal cells

Published: 24 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xb3f5jrbwv.1
kalina haas,


This database is associated with the following publication: Pectin homogalacturonan nanofilament expansion drives morphogenesis in plant epidermal cells. It includes dSTORM single-molecule localization data, digital microscope time-lapse imaging data, cryo-fracture SEM imaging data, and confocal microscopy imaging data. STORMdata Haas et al 2020 Molecular Lists.7z These data were acquired using the Nikon N STORM microscope. The single-molecule detection was performed using Nikon NIS elements software. This dataset contains the dSTORM microscopy data presented in Fig. 1 and 2, figs. S3, S5, S8, and S9 and movies 1 to 6. It can be analyzed with Matlab based program associated with this publication, Grafeo_v2, and freely available for download at GitHub or Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3581144 or Each folder corresponds to independent experimental preparation and it contains subfolders with names corresponding to the condition, antibody, and fluorophore tag used, e.g., WT - wild type, PME, and PMEI mutant plants; 2F4 and LM20 are the primary antibodies used to tag low and highly methylesterified homogalacturonan, respectively. Each STORM data set has two channels corresponding to CF568 and Alexa 647 dye. E.g. the folder: 2015_05_20_00631 contains a subfolder: WT_2F4-568_LM20-647, corresponding to WT plant condition where demethylated pectins were detected with 2F4 antibody revealed with secondary antibody conjugated to CF568 fluorophore, etc. The files A647-3d_1.txt, and CF568-3d_1.txt contain the list of the localized single molecules and their attributes (described in the column headers) for two imaging channels, Alexa 647 and CF568 separately. Low-resolution images for both channels are also provided, as well as overall cell wall labeling with CalcoFluor fluorophore (405 nm). CryoSEMData.7z This dataset contains Cryo-fracture SEM images presented in Figs. 1, 3 and 4, and fig. S6. These data can be analyzed using Matlab based scripts (SEMfilaments) associated with this publication and available for the download at GitHub or Zenodo : DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3581097 or: DigitalMicroscopeTimelapseData.7z The data were using Keyence VHX-5000 (KEYENCE (UK) LIMITED Milton Keynes, U.K.) digital microscope and are presented in Fig. 3 and fig. S1 and S10. These data can be analyzed using the Matlab based scripts (ShapeSpectraAnalysis) associated with this publication and available for the download at GitHub or Zenodo : DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3581129 or: TissueExpansion.7z The data were acquired using Zeiss LSM 710 laser scanning confocal microscope (Zeiss Oberkochen Germany). This dataset includes representative confocal microscopy images presented in Fig. 4 and fig. S10 and the .xls file with analyzed data. If you need any further details, please do not hesitate to contact Kalina Haas:



Microscopy, Plant (Plant Biology), Confocal Microscopy, Super-Resolution Imaging, Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy
