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  • Dataset for oxytetracycline elimination via adsorption and LED-induced photocatalysis using a MIL-53(Al)@Biomass layered hybrid
    Oxytetracycline (OTC) is one of the most commonly used broad-spectrum antibiotics for treating both humans and livestock. However, when improperly disposed of, OTC poses a significant risk to water bodies due to its inhibitory effect on water nitrification and its impact on the microbiota. Therefore, various treatments are being investigated to address this pressing issue and offer a sustainable solution. Adsorption and advanced oxidation processes (AOP) over novel catalytic materials have drawn great attention for OTC removal. Major questions around these technological applications are related to their removal efficiency, catalyst stability and disposal after treatment cycles. Moreover, the elucidation of the underlaying kinetic and thermodynamic mechanisms governing these processes are also of paramount importance for process design and optimization. Accordingly, here we provide a complete dataset on the application of a novel MIL-53(Al)@Biomass layered hybrid (MIL-53(Al)@RH) for the removal of OTC from water bodies via adsorption and LED-driven photocatalysis. The MIL-53(Al)@RH was synthetized by a microwave-assisted solvothermal method enabling the in-situ hybridation of MIL-53(Al) with rice husk (RH). The dataset includes information on the pristine materials (MIL-53(Al) and rice husk), the MIL-53(Al)@RH, and a Carbon-Al obtained via pyrolysis of the saturated MIL-53(Al)@RH (affter adsorption). The information includes characterization results from several techniques viz. FTIR-ATR, XRD, SEM-EDX, N2-physisorption, Py-GC-MS, DRS, and pHZ. Moreover, data on BATCH adsorption experiments and AOP with MIL-53(Al)@RH is also provided. Adsorption data include information on the effect of MIL-53(Al)@RH dosage, solution pH, and kinetics measurements at different initial concentrations of OTC. Moreover, photocatalytic activity was tested at different oxidant doses (H2O2), OTC concentrations using a Led-light source. The data is organized in three folders: Folder 1: Hybrid and Carbon-Al characterization data: Include a complete set of characterization results for pristine materials, MIL-53(Al)@RH and recovered Carbon-Al after hybrid saturation. Here the reader will find the XRD patterns, N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms along with pore size distributions. Moreover, the pHz profile, SEM images, and a Py-GC-MS analysis on the catalyst decomposition are also provided. Folder 2: Adsorption data: This folder summarizes the results of the adsorption experiments including pH and MIL-53(Al)@RH doses, kinetic and equilibrium measurements. Folder 3: Photocatalysis data: This folder encloses the results of AOP for OTC elimination using MIL-53(Al)@RH as a photocatalyst. Readers will find results from the measurements of preliminary tests and AOP kinetics, catalyst stability cycles, and application of a carbon structure derived from MIL-53(Al)@RH as adsorbent and photocatalyst.
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  • Sir Ratan Tata: A Legacy of Industrial Leadership, Philanthropy, and Ethical Innovation in India
    Sir Ratan Tata, a distinguished leader in Indian industrialization and philanthropy, passed away on October 9, 2024, leaving a profound legacy. Serving as the chairman of the Tata Group from 1991 to 2012, he drove the conglomerate's expansion into global markets, achieving key milestones, including the acquisitions of Jaguar Land Rover and Corus Steel. Beyond his role as a visionary businessman, Tata was a dedicated philanthropist, actively involved with Tata Trusts, which prioritize healthcare, education, and rural development initiatives. His leadership style was characterized by a commitment to ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility, establishing a standard for future leaders to follow. We offer our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Sir Ratan Tata. His significant contributions to industry and philanthropy have left an enduring impact on society. May his legacy of ethical leadership and compassion continue to motivate and inspire generations to come.
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  • Maissner et al - Current Research in Insect Science
    The file “Sequences hemiptera_Drosophila.fasta” showed the phylogenetic analysis utilized 32 sequences of the hemipteran alpha-glucosidase enzyme and MEGA XI software (Tamura et al., 2021). The protein sequences were aligned using the Muscle tool, and a phylogenetic tree was estimated using the maximum likelihood method. To root the phylogenetic tree, the Drosophila virilis sequence (B4LLB7) was used as an outgroup. The phylogeny test was conducted using the bootstrap method with 500 replications. The resulting phylogenetic tree illustrates the hypothetical evolutionary relationships between protein sequences. The "Data Spreadsheet" file is a compilation of the key findings and implications of the research on the knockdown of Rp-αGluG in R. prolixus, emphasizing its role in heme biocrystallization, hemoglobin digestion, oxidative stress, reproduction, and T. cruzi infection dynamics. Blood digestion and hemozoin formation: After gene knockdown of the Rp-αGluG isoform in R. prolixus (dsαGluG), there was a significant reduction in mRNA levels, enzymatic activity and hemozoin (Hz) formation four days after feeding, confirming the role of Rp-αGluG in heme biocrystallization. In contrast, knockdown of the Rp-αGluA isoform had no effect on Hz formation, suggesting that Rp-αGluG is specifically involved in this process. Hemoglobin degradation and oxidative stress: Knockdown of Rp-αGluG also resulted in delayed hemoglobin digestion, as evidenced by increased hemoglobin levels in the midgut of dsαGluG-injected insects. This was associated with higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly H₂O₂, indicating a more oxidative environment in the midgut. Effects on reproduction: Although there was no effect on female survival or total number of eggs laid, the timing and distribution of egg laying was altered. Females injected with dsαGluG laid fewer eggs at four and eight days post-feeding. In addition, there was a significant reduction in the number of hatched nymphs and an increase in the proportion of deformed eggs, indicating that Rp-αGluG knockdown affects reproductive success. Effect on T. cruzi metacyclogenesis: Knockdown of Rp-αGluG affected the proliferation and metacyclogenesis of Trypanosoma cruzi in the hindgut. Although there was an initial increase in epimastigote numbers seven days after infection, this difference was not maintained at later stages. Importantly, knockdown impaired the transition to the infective trypomastigote form, which is critical for pathogen transmission, highlighting the role of Rp-αGluG in maintaining a physiological environment.
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  • The impact of the role of parents on the learning of students with intellectual disabilities
    The survey data were obtained from several educational institutions located in the canton of Quito, specifically in the North Educational District. These institutions are part of the local educational system, and the data collection was carried out with the objective of obtaining a representative sample of families whose children have intellectual disabilities. This institutional diversity allows the results to reflect the experiences and perspectives of parents in different educational and socio-economic contexts within the North Educational District.
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  • Data for: Oxygen-induced decomposition of the body-centered cubic HfNbTaTiZr high-entropy alloy
    These data aim at showing the impact of oxygen on the microstructure of the HfNbTaTiZr HEA alloy. Here is a short description of the diffent files, which are numbered according to their order of appearence in the corresponding research article and supplementary materials: Fig01: SEM images of the HfNbTaTiZr alloy treated at 900°C for 10h under vacuum. Fig02: SEM images and EDS line scan data of the HfNbTaTiZr alloy treated at 900°C for 1000h under vacuum. Fig03: SEM images of the HfNbTaTiZr alloy treated at 900°C for 1000h under vacuum and under Ar + of the HfNbTaTiZr-3%O alloy treated at 900°C for 1000h under Ar. Fig04: SEM images and EDS line scan data of the HfNbTaTiZr-3%O alloy treated at 900°C for 1000h under Ar. Fig06-07-08: Matlab file containing a template of the code used for the EBSD analyses. Fig06-07-08-S2-S3-S5: EBSD data recorded on the HfNbTaTiZr alloy treated at 900°C for 1000h under vacuum. Fig07: SEM image of the HfNbTaTiZr alloy treated at 900°C for 1000h under vacuum. FigS4-S6: EBSD data recorded on the HfNbTaTiZr-3%O alloy treated at 900°C for 1000h under Ar.
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  • Supplementary material for 'Case Studies in Mathematical Modeling for Medical Devices' , John Crowe
    Supplementary material for this textbook including worked solutions to problems, code used to generate figures and additional material.
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  • The Ashkenazi-centric G334R variant of p53 is severely impaired for transactivation but retains tumor suppressor function in a mouse model
    The data from "The Ashkenazi-centric G334R variant of p53 is severely impaired for transactivation but retains tumor suppressor function in a mouse model" is represented here in its entirety. This includes all uncut scanned films of Western blots (including BMH crosslinking and Co-IP). This includes all microscopy images taken for Proximity Ligation Assay. This includes excel and prism files that were used to quantify and analyze Western Blots (densitometry), Proximity Ligation Assay microscopy images, RT-qPCR, CHip-qPCR, the mouse Cancer Incidence Curve, and all mouse logs. The raw and processed data for the RNA sequencing can be found with the following GEO accession number: GSE277585. The raw and processed data for the CHiP sequencing can be found with the following GEO accession number: GSE277586.
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  • Dataset | Sustainable and Circular Construction Terms
    The study uses a dataset of 480 academic papers to analyze the relationship between "sustainability" and "circular economy" in the construction industry through Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, including TextRank, TF-IDF, and Concept Matrix. The dataset was gathered from two focused searches in the Scopus database: "circular economy and construction" and "sustainability and construction." Each paper was processed to extract essential information, such as author details, abstracts, full text, and quantitative metrics (word counts, sentence structures, etc.). The data was then cleaned, with unnecessary elements like URLs, abstracts, and references removed to ensure accurate analysis. Preprocessing involved removing numbers and stop-words to highlight meaningful terms. Analysis showed that circular construction focuses heavily on operational aspects such as resource recovery and waste management, while sustainable construction adopts a broader, holistic scope, addressing urban planning, community development, and long-term environmental impact. Both fields overlap in areas like environmental assessments but differ in how they approach resource use and sustainability goals. The analysis was performed using Jupyter notebooks, where clustering and evaluation techniques were applied to assess the results. CSV files store the extracted terms for each method, separating common and unique terms for circular economy and sustainable construction and clearly comparing the concepts.
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  • Vasopressin drives aberrant myeloid differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells in depression
    Psychological stress is often linked to depression and can also impact the immune system, illustrating the interconnectedness of mental health and immune function. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can directly sense neuroendocrine signals in bone marrow and play a fundamental role in the maintenance of immune homeostasis. However, it is still unclear how psychological stress impacts HSCs in depression. Here, we report that neuroendocrine factor arginine vasopressin (AVP) promotes myeloid-biased HSC differentiation by activating neutrophils. AVP administration increases neutrophil and Ly6Chi monocyte production by triggering HSCs that rely on intrinsic S100A9. When stimulated with AVP, neutrophils return to the bone marrow and release IL36G, which interacts with IL1RL2 on HSCs to produce neutrophils with high Elane expression that infiltrate the brain and induce neuroinflammation. Together, these findings define HSCs as a relay between psychological stress and myelopoiesis, and identify the IL36G-IL1RL2 axis as a potential target for depression therapy.
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  • HLA DRB1 Shared Epitope and Periodontal Disease
    Data obtained from 47 healthy nonsmoking Colombians. HLA DRB1 alleles were determined , and the presence shared epitope was defined according to the Gregersen classification. Periodontal indices and diagnosis were recorded according to the Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Periodontology (CDC-AAP) and American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology (AAP-EFP) 2017 classification criteria. Furthermore, the proportions of anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies were determined.
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