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  • Revisión sistemática hallazgos bucales
    Artículos incluidos en la revisión sistemática hallazgos bucales en pacientes en unidad de cuidado intensivo.
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  • Financial resilience across genders
    Financial resilience refers to the ability to withstand unexpected financial stresses, such as illness, divorce, unemployment, or other unexpected life events. This data base collects responses from 951 participants, students and workers of varying ages, of which 394 (41.4%) are men, 504 (53.0%) are women, and 53 (5.6%) identified as LGBTQ+. The scale used is a composite instrument that includes the eight financial health indicators from BBVA (2020) and the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI), together with the scale designed by Flores et al., (2024) on lived experiences and actions to manage financial crises. The results obtained through the Bayesian analysis indicate that perceptions, lived experiences, and actions in managing economic crises do not differ significantly between genders. The analysis suggests that there are no significant differences in financial resilience between men, women, and LGBTQ+ people, as financial health scores are similar between these groups. This supports the hypothesis that the means of financial health indicators are equal by gender. Responses are in Spanish.
    • Dataset
  • Survey data on a Chinese service industry
    Data during covid-19 including the three main variables (supply chain resilience, flexibility, reconfiguration)
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  • Risk of Exercise Addiction and Passion in Three Exercise forms After Controlling for Exercise Volume and Intensity
    This is an online study of 424 exercisers who trained in aerobic, anaerobic or mixed (both, represented by CrossFit practitioners) forms of exercise. The study aimed to uncover whether after controlling for exercise volume and intensity there are differences between these three groups in passion and the risk of exercise addiction.
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  • example
    example for mendeley data
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  • Data and code for the paper ESG Disclosure Quality and Cost of Debt
    This is the data and code for the paper ESG Disclosure Quality and Cost of Debt, which is published in Emerging Market Review.
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  • Apparatus for measuring the properties of heat transfer by conduction in specials concrete
    This work reports the design, development and operation of a hot plate device with guard called HD20 Hot Box to evaluate, under steady-state conditions, the transfer of heat by conduction through test tubes with prism-shaped faces. parallel, and indirectly determine the thermal conductivity of construction concretes with different aggregates. For its design, IRAM 11559, IRAM 11549 and IRAM 11601 standards valid in Argentina were applied. The hot box consists of two main units: the heating unit and the cooling unit. The thermal conductivity values obtained with this apparatus agree satisfactorily with the values published in the literature.
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  • Ensayo de dosificaciones para bloques, ladrillos y contrapisos de hormigón con desechos plásticos y finos de perlitas
    En Salta Capital se arrojan 58 toneladas diarias de plástico, se recuperan solo 5 toneladas diarias. Los cuales son reciclados por tres cooperativas y un programa provincial. En la producción de Perlita Expandida el 20% de la perlita cruda se desperdician. Se propone como solución el desarrollo de mezclas de hormigón para la fabricación de ladrillos, bloques y contrapisos con agregados de Polietileno de Alta y de Baja Densidad y Finos de Perlita. Los agregados gruesos y finos fueron reemplazados en diversos porcentajes de volumen de mezcla por los plásticos reciclados. Se utilizó Perlita cruda en sustitución de una parte del cemento. Se desarrollaron 7 probetas por cada dosificación bajo Normas IRAM para el ensayo mecánico correspondiente a 7 y 28 días de curado. La densidad del hormigón bajo con el agregado de plástico y perlita. Las dosificaciones con 19% de agregado plástico superaron la mínima requerida para la resistencia a la compresión.
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  • Vico etal_2024_musical stimuli OK
    Musical stimuli used in Exps 1, 2a and 2b
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  • Ribbit Rhythm Application
    Ribbit Rhythms, a piano-themed rhythm game for Android, has been successfully developed. Through the GDLC methodology, the game development workflow was divided into multiple phases in an iterative process. This allows the game development to be built incrementally while listening to user feedback and testing results. Usability testing results show that the game is easy to play yet encourages the players to keep playing. The players enjoyed playing with different modes and felt challenged to achieve the highest score. Some users also remarked how the imported song would be greatly beneficial for piano practice. While Ribbit Rhythms has shown great potential, there are a few limitations to consider. The small number of participants and the varied levels of piano experience make it harder to apply these findings broadly. Additionally, the requirement of a MIDI device for input may restrict access for users without this equipment. A few suggestions on how this research could be further improved and developed include, adding more engaging modes, and increasing the number of playable octaves, expanding the platform on IoS and PCs. Additionally, the requirement of a MIDI device for input may restrict access for users without this device. Future suggestion for this game could solve this limitation by implementing alternative input methods, such as normal piano without the need for a special MIDI device. After some further adjustments, Ribbit Rhythms will be available to the public on the Play Store in the near future, allowing the public to benefit from its game-based approach to piano practice.
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The Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative

Elsevier's Mendeley Data repository is a participating member of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) GREI project. The GREI includes seven established generalist repositories funded by the NIH to work together to establish consistent metadata, develop use cases for data sharing, train and educate researchers on FAIR data and the importance of data sharing, and more.

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