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- CORHOH: Text Corpus Of Holocaust Oral HistoriesThis paper outlines the compilation and annotation process of the CORHOH: Text Corpus of Holocaust Oral Histories. The corpus consists of 500 oral histories from Holocaust survivors, with each narrative retrieved from the Let Them Speak Project (Toth 2021). The text is processed and annotated with metadata detailing both the testimony givers and the interviews themselves. All technical content has been removed, and a unique identifier has been assigned to each question (posed by the interviewer) and answer (provided by the survivor). The corpus complies with TEI guidelines (TEI Consortium 2023). The dataset includes 106,519 questions and 107,125 answers, making it a valuable interdisciplinary resource. Researchers can retrieve and analyse questions and answers separately based on their specific research objectives. This corpus is particularly suited for studies on trauma expression and psychological concepts embedded in survivors' narratives. Additionally, it offers potential for data mining to uncover patterns (e.g., migration trends) and supports natural language processing techniques such as topic modelling, sentiment analysis, and named entity recognition. The CORHOH data is sourced from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) and is publicly available under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
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- Jackfruit AgroVision: A Extensive Dataset for Jackfruit Disease and Leaf Disease Detection using Machine LearningThe JackfruitVision dataset is a comprehensive collection of annotated images of jackfruit leaves and fruits affected by various diseases. Designed for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision applications, this dataset enables automated disease detection and classification. It supports tasks like image segmentation, multi-class classification, and transfer learning, making it valuable for researchers and agricultural AI solutions.
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- Face, head, and neck problems among refugees living in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, TanzaniaThe Surgeons Overseas Assessment of Surgical Need (SOSAS) survey tool was administered in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Tanzania between August and September of 2021 to estimate the burden of face, head, and neck (FHN) disease among refugees and identify predictors of surgical need. This dataset contains all 462 refugees who endorsed having a potentially surgically correctable pathology in the face, head, and neck region. In addition to demographic variables, we include baseline health characteristics, and characteristics specific to the face, head, and neck pathology.
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- dust mass and proportion dataWe collected undisturbed soil samples from three potential dust source surfaces in the Ulan Buh Desert, China, including mobile dunes, dry lakebeds, and farmland. Through wind tunnel simulations and laboratory analyses, we measured the mass of PM2.5, PM10, PM63, and total sediments emitted from these surfaces under wind speeds of 8 m·s-1, 11 m·s-1, and 14 m·s-1. Additionally, we quantified the proportion and mass variations of fine particles across 10 near-surface heights (13–130 cm). These data are deposited here to support analyses of dust emission potential and near-surface transport patterns across different surfaces, identify dominant sources of fine particles in regional dust events, and emphasize the necessity of farmland shelterbelts for dust control.
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- Pure and Fibre-Hybrid Carbon Fibre and Polypropylene Layer-to-Layer 3D Woven Composite MicrographsMicrographs (employing fluorescent dye) of pure carbon fibre and fibre-hybrid carbon fibre and polypropylene layer-to-layer angle interlock 3D woven composites post-Charpy impact test. The blue colour indicates resin. The fluorescent green colour, produced by resin infusion after the impact tests, highlights the cracks (and the surroundings of the samples).
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- Effects of temperature on life history traits of Radix natalensis Data sheetData sheet with results of fecundity, growth, survival of Radix natalensis snail exposed at different temperatures of a period of 9 weeks. daily water temperature recordings over a period of 9 weeks. The hypothesis: Ho : temperature does not affects the life history traits of Radix natalensis & HA( alternative hypothesis) :temperature does affect the life history traits. Observed results shows that warmer temperature promote ,growth and survival of the snails under study, while extreme low and high temperatures do the opposite
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- Alocasia macrorrhizos(Alocasia macrorrhizos) This dataset contains 1,000 samples of cauliflower curry made from Alocasia macrorrhizos, classified into two categories: Good (500 samples) and Bad (500 samples). The classification is based on various sensory, chemical, and microbial properties that influence the quality of the dish. Dataset Structure Each sample is labeled as either Good or Bad, and the dataset includes multiple features that represent the characteristics affecting classification. 1. Sensory Attributes Color Intensity (CI): Measured on a scale (e.g., RGB values, Lab* scale) Texture (TX): Softness, hardness, and granularity assessed through image processing or tactile sensors Aroma (AR): Measured using an electronic nose or human sensory evaluation (e.g., aromatic intensity, pungency) Taste Profile (TP): Quantified as bitterness, sweetness, or spiciness (e.g., on a scale of 1-10) 2. Chemical Composition pH Value (pH): Indicates acidity or alkalinity (e.g., 5.5–7.5 range) Moisture Content (MC%): Percentage of water content in the sample Protein Content (PC%): Amount of protein in grams per 100g of sample Fat Content (FC%): Percentage of fats present Carbohydrate Content (CC%): Percentage of total carbohydrates Phenolic Content (PC mg/kg): Antioxidant levels measured in milligrams per kilogram Toxic Oxalate Levels (OL mg/kg): Presence of calcium oxalate, which can affect edibility 3. Microbial and Spoilage Indicators Total Plate Count (TPC CFU/g): Number of bacterial colonies per gram Yeast and Mold Count (YMC CFU/g): Presence of fungi indicating spoilage Pathogen Presence (PP): Binary variable (Yes/No) indicating harmful bacteria like E. coli or Salmonella 4. Preparation and Cooking Variables Cooking Time (CT min): Duration of cooking in minutes Cooking Temperature (CTemp °C): Temperature in degrees Celsius Ingredient Ratio (IR): Proportion of spices, water, and oil used Classification Labels Good (1): Samples meeting acceptable sensory, chemical, and microbial standards Bad (0): Samples failing in sensory, chemical, or microbial quality
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- SWI/SNF complex mediated ZNF410 cooperative binding maintains chromatin accessibility and enhancer activityClustering of multiple transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) for the same TF has proved to be a pervasive feature of cis-regulatory elements in eukaryotic genome. However, contribution of binding sites within the homotypic clusters of TFBSs (HCTs) to TF binding and target gene expression remains to be understood. Here, we characterize the CHD4 enhancers that harbor unique functional ZNF410 HCTs genome-wide. We uncover that ZNF410 controls chromatin accessibility and activity of the CHD4 enhancer regions. We demonstrate that ZNF410 binds to the HCTs in a collaborative fashion, further conferring transcriptional activation. Especially, three ZNF410 motifs (sub-HCTs) located at 3´ end of the distal enhancer act as “switch motifs” to control the chromatin accessibility and enhancer activity. Mechanistically, SWI/SNF complex is selectively required to mediate cooperative ZNF410 binding for CHD4 expression. Together, our findings expose a complex functional hierarchy of homotypic clustered motifs, which cooperates to fine-tune target gene expression.
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- Encapsulated Thermal LabDesign files, software, and interfaces for the Encapsulated Thermal Lab setup, a hardware setup to generate thermal imaging data for training, optimization, and validation of anomaly detection and forecasting tools. Design files were generated with Eagle and Blender. The software was written with Python, Jupyter Notebook, Matlab, and Arduino IDE. The interfaces were created with Python, Jupyter Notebook, and Unity (C#).
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- Small mammal species occurrences dataThe original dataset of small mammal species occurrences in Spain. Obtained from and includes a total of 28 small mammal species (orden Rodentia and Eulipotyphla).
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