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  • Skin Cancer Screening of Firefighters and Non-Firefighters: A Study of the American Academy of Dermatology SPOTme Screening Program
    To better understand which firefighters participate in real-world pragmatic skin cancer detection examinations, we compared the demographics of firefighters participating in the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) SPOTme skin cancer screening program to the general SPOTme screening population. These data were included in our Research Letter submission to JAAD Dermatology.
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  • Classification of Governance Sub-Indicators by Experts
    The research investigates the extent to which the different governance indicators impact institutional efficiency, which consists of ordering the indicators from the most important (score 1) to the least important (score 6), considered the easiest and quickest to carry out (Weight 1 in the excel spreadsheet). However, it has limitations. For example, the difference between alternatives is always the same. This research includes the improvement of the evaluation by ordering, with two classifications. Inspired by the deck of cards methodology, the difference in importance between the already ordered sub-indicators is evaluated using the same scale as the AHP (by Saaty): 1.) equally important; 3.) slightly more important; 5.) more important; 7) much more important; 9) extremely more important (Weight 2 in the Excel spreadsheet). Description of the indicators: Control of Corruption: captures perceptions of the extent to which public power is exercised for private gain, including petty and grand corruption, as well as the “capture” of the state by elites and private interests. Government effectiveness: captures perceptions of the quality of public services, the quality of the civil service and the degree of its independence from political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government's commitment to such policies. Rule of law: captures perceptions of the extent to which agents trust and abide by the rules of society and, in particular, the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence. Quality of the business environment: captures how conducive the regulatory environment is for businesses to start up and operate in the country, offering a measure of the regulatory performance of economies. Regulatory Quality: captures perceptions of the government's ability to formulate and implement sound policies and regulations that enable and promote private sector development. Voice and Accountability: captures perceptions of the extent to which a country's citizens are able to participate in choosing their government, as well as freedom of expression, freedom of association and free media.
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  • Menon_et_al_Molecular_Cell_2024
    Images used in Menon at al., Proximal termination generates a transcriptional state that determines the rate of establishment of Polycomb silencing, Molecular Cell, 2024 FLC-Venus time-course confocal imaging in Arabidopsis meristem in different genetic backgrounds. Raw images in .tif format are provided for all panels in Figures 5D and Supplemental Data S4, along with additional replicates in some cases. Each subfolder is named after the corresponding genotype.
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  • Realistic TRACE Input Model for 4-Loop PWR LOCA Analysis
    Included are the TRACE steady state and transient restart input files for a Westinghouse 4-loop PWR LBLOCA analysis as described in: A. Wysocki and N. Capps, "A Realistic TRACE PWR LOCA Model with Application to High Burnup Analysis," Annals of Nuclear Energy (in progress), 2024. The model is an improved version of the typpwr.inp model provided with the TRACE and SNAP code distributions, including the following main modifications: - Replaced the original pipes and side junctions in the core/vessel region with a VESSEL component - Split the lumped intact loop into 3 separate loops - Split the VESSEL core region into two radial rings and 4 azimuthal sectors - Modified the ECCS consistent with the OECD BEMUSE LBLOCA benchmark specifications - Enabled CSS - Enabled detailed fuel rod modeling options Please cite the above mentioned paper in all publications that made use of this file.
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    This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the combined effects of the TENS and muscle energy technique along with the positional release technique on pain tolerances and quality of life among patient with Pirifomis Syndrome. This study result was significant improvement on combination of the TENS and Muscle energy technique along with Positional release technique on patient with piriformis syndrome. This study achieved the improving pain and quality of life among patient with piriformis syndrome
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  • FabT_+or-Tween_S.pyogenesM28_Transcriptomic analysis
    We used RNAseq to identify how membrane fatty acid changes might impact and explain the virulence defect during host infection. WT and mFabT expression was compared in THY, and in THY-Tween (as C18:1Δ9 source), which to activates WT FabT repression. RNA isolation and Illumina RNA-seq sequencing: GAS strains were cultured at 37°C in THY or THY-Tween, and cells were harvested during exponential growth (OD600 between 0.4 and 0.5). Independent triplicate cultures were prepared for each condition. For RNA preparation, 2 volumes of RNA protect (Qiagen) was added to cultures prior centrifugation (10 min 12,000 g) and total RNA was extracted after lysing bacteria by a 30 min 15 lysozyme, 300 mutanolysin treatment at 20°C followed by two cycles of Fast-prep (power 6, 30 s) at 4 °C. RNA extraction (Macherey-Nagel RNA extraction kit; Germany) was done according to supplier instructions. RNA integrity was analyzed using an Agilent Bioanalyzer (Agilent Biotechnologies, Ca., USA). 23S and 16S rRNA were depleted from the samples using the MICROBExpress Bacterial mRNA enrichment kit (Invitrogen, France); depletion was controlled on Agilent Bioanalyzer (Agilent Biotechnologies). Libraries were prepared using an Illumina TS kit. Libraries were sequenced generating 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 75-bp-long reads per sample. RNA-Seq data analysis: The MGAS6180 strain sequence (NCBI), which is nearly identical to M28PF1, was used as a reference sequence to map sequencing reads using the STAR software (2.5.2b) BIOCONDA (Anaconda Inc). RNA-seq data were analyzed using the hclust function and a principal component analysis in R 3.5.1 (version 2018-07-02). For differential expression analysis, normalization and statistical analyses were performed using the SARTools package and DESeq2 p-values were calculated and adjusted for multiple testing using the false discovery rate controlling procedure. We used UpsetR to visualize set intersections in a matrix layout comprising the mFabT versus the WT strain grown in THY and in THY-Tween, and growth in THY-Tween versus THY for each strain.
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  • IMF WEO Macroeconomic Forecasts Panel Dataset (MFPD)
    The dataset is arranged in a user-friendly format within an Excel spreadsheet. It includes WEO projections for GDP growth, CPI inflation, and the current account balance. The dataset covers 196 countries over the period 1990–2029. For every country c and every year t, the dataset reports WEO projections 𝑓𝑐,𝑡,h for horizons h spanning from the current year (t) to t + 5 for three variables: GDP growth, CPI inflation, and current account balances. It also contains regional and income grouping for each country. This data is released twice a year, in April and October.
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  • Sex-dependent Effects of Social Enrichment on Goal-Directed Behavior
    Sex-dependent Effects of Social Enrichment on Goal-Directed Behavior
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  • Договір Славутич
    Будівництво артезіанської свердловини на території санаторію «Славутич» Замовник – Дочірнє підприємство "САНАТОРІЙ "СЛАВУТИЧ" ІМЕНІ Б.В. ПАШКОВСЬКОГО" ПРИВАТНОГО АКЦІОНЕРНОГО ТОВАРИСТВА ЛІКУВАЛЬНО-ОЗДОРОВЧИХ ЗАКЛАДІВ ПРОФСПІЛОК УКРАЇНИ "УКРПРОФОЗДОРОВНИЦЯ" в особі головного лікаря Пашковського Ігоря Борисовича, що діє на підставі Статуту, далі «Виконавець», з однієї сторони та Генпідрядник – ТОВ «Баланс Центр», в особі Директора Семенюк Вікторія Ігорівна, яка діє на підставі Статуту, з другої сторони, при подальшому спільному найменуванні - Сторони, керуючись вимогами чинного законодавства, уклали цей Договір (далі – Договір) про наступне: Генпідрядник приймає на себе обов’язок будівництва артезіанської свердловини глибиною до 42 метрів, а Замовник відповідно зобов’язується сплатити виконані роботи.
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  • The intercellular water concentration at different fractions for four cell of potato
    The intercellular water concentration at different fractions for four cell of potato.
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