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  • Glaze ice accretion geometries from icing wind tunnel tests on a cowl-lip model.
    This dataset is associated with the thesis "Geometric Characterization of Aircraft Icing" (ISBN 978-3-947623-82-2) and includes geometries used to analyze aircraft icing on cowl lips during take-off and climbing conditions. The geometries were generated in the icing wind tunnel at TU Braunschweig under two distinct icing scenarios, referred to as Case B and Case C. Both cases represent typical icing conditions for cowl lips: Case B: Velocity (U∞): 50 m/s Temperature (T∞): -5°C Liquid Water Content (LWC): 0.42 g/m³ Median Volume Diameter (MVD): 50 µm Time (t): 80 s Case C: Velocity (U∞): 50 m/s Temperature (T∞): -5°C Liquid Water Content (LWC): 0.42 g/m³ Median Volume Diameter (MVD): 50 µm Time (t): 120 s The synthetic ice accretions in this dataset were produced using two innovative methods developed in the thesis. These datasets prove that ice accretion can be reproduced by using a reduced set of parameters. For detailed information, please refer to the thesis.
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  • Human iPSC-based disease modeling studies identify a common mechanistic defect and potential therapies for AMD and related macular dystrophies.
    Raw uncropped western blot and gelatin zymography gel images from Main and Supplementary Figures
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  • Highly siderophile element and Re-Os isotope systematics of a Neoproterozoic Iron Formation and its temporal relation to glaciation events
    Data from the GCA article "Highly siderophile element and Re-Os isotope systematics of a Neoproterozoic Iron Formation and its temporal relation to glaciation events"
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  • Stereolithographic Application in placement of Dental Impant. (case Report)
    case report study aim : To thorough the light on the importance of using the digital implant workflow (DWF) and its significance in improving dental implant outcomes.
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  • Sex-dependent effects in the aged melanoma tumor microenvironment influence invasion and resistance to targeted therapy. Chhabra et al
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  • RSV and HBoV1 co-infection causes more severe pathogenic damage to human respiratory epithelium than single infection
    To analyze the differences in HAE gene expression between RSV and HBoV1 co-infection and single infection, total RNA of HAE with “RSV single”, “HBoV1 single”, “RSV and HBoV1” infection at 0 (mock-), 2 and 6 d.p.i. was isolated using the Magzol Reagent (Magen, China) according to the manufacturer's protocol. The quantity and integrity of RNA yield was assessed by using the K5500 (Beijing Kaiao, China) and the Agilent 2200 TapeStation (Agilent Technologies, USA) separately. the mRNA was enriched by oligo dT according to instructions of NEB Next® Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module (NEB,USA), and then fragmented to approximately 200 bp. Subsequently, the RNA fragments were subjected to first strand and second strand cDNA synthesis followed by adaptor ligation and enrichment with a low-cycle according to instructions of NEBNext® Ultra™ RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina. The purified library products were evaluated using the Agilent 2200 TapeStation and Qubit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). The libraries were sequenced by Illumina (Illumina, USA) with paired-end 150bp.
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  • LDHU3_16.1330
    Ubiquitin fold modifier protein | UFM1; Leishmania donovani (HU3 strain)
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  • Data for: B diffusion, related isotope fractionation and the structural role of B in pegmatitic melts
    We performed an experimental diffusion study investigating the self- and chemical diffusion of B in a pegmatitic melt under high temperature and pressure. The effect of water on the diffusivity was assessed by conducting nominally dry and water-bearing (3.1–3.9 wt % H2O) experiments. S1 shows images of all the diffusion couples with the positions of measurements and the inferred interfaces. The other files are the diffusion profile data obtained by electron microprobe (S2), femtosecond laser ablation sector field ICP-MS (S3) and femtosecond laser ablation multi collector ICP-MS (S4). S5 shows near infrared spectroscopy data for the calibration of linear molar absorption coefficients. S6 gives all data for solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance experiments.
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  • Results of computational experiments carried out in the process of solving the problem related to determination of the layer materials’ optimal thicknesses for different variants of enclosing structure
    This report describes the results of computational experiments performed with respect to different variants of the enclosing structure in the process of solving the problem related to determination of the optimal thicknesses for the materials used as layers within the structure. Each individual computational experiment involved implementation of quadratic optimization model based on discrete or binary unknown variables that determine the values of the thicknesses for the materials in the layers of a certain variant of the structure, using the indicators of the weighted average (by layer thickness) temperature of the enclosing structure, as well as its thickness and thermal resistance. The source data used for implementation of an individual computational experiment with application of the above-mentioned model included the values of thermal resistance on the inner and outer surfaces of the structure, the values of the thermal conductivity coefficients of the materials in the layers, the values of the temperature of the indoor and outdoor air, and the required values of the thickness and thermal resistance of the structure. A series of computational experiments was performed with respect to each variant of the enclosing structure in accordance with variation of the structure’s thickness (with a minimum difference between alternative values of the thickness for the material used as the layer of the structure) with fixed values of the remaining elements of the initial data. More detailed information about the structure of the computational experiments and the results of their implementation is presented in the main sections of the report.
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  • Data for: Developing a Dynamic Energy Budget model to project potential effects of deep-sea mining plumes on the Atlantic deep-sea mussel, Bathymodiolus azoricus
    1. Excel file: All equations and input values used in the DEB model, along with the corresponding outputs, for each of the simulations conducted. Input and output values replaced in the base EwE model, for each of the scenarios tested. 3. R code: Complete simulation for sensitivity analysis.
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