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  • Indoor Environment Dataset Based on RSSI Collected with Bluetooth Devices
    The dataset includes 11 files, each representing the signal power data collected using a specific mobile device in an indoor setting. There is also a file with details about the positions of fixed anchor nodes in the scenario. Each file contains these pieces of information: WAPS: Signal strength data for corresponding anchor nodes (WAPS). LABEL: The map position where the signal strengths were collected. X, Y: Geographic coordinates of the labels. DEVICE: The mobile device used for data collection. ROOM_ID: Identification of the room where the data was gathered.
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  • Photochemical Model Data for "A pole-to-pole map of hydrocarbons in Saturn's upper stratosphere and mesosphere"
    The dataset includes two files containing the photochemical model outputs for the Ion and Neutral Models for L_s=90, northern summer solstice. These files are structured by latitude, then by output variable and then by vertical element (note, the Ion and Neutral Model files have the same number of latitudes, but the latitude arrays are not identical). Additionally, the dataset includes a gzip-compressed file containing the full seasonal Neutral Model for the sixth and final year of the model run. This file encompasses the same components as the individual model outputs but extends over the full Saturn year with data organized by 10-degree increments of L_s.
    • Dataset
  • Philosopher parameters
    library was scanned using Philosopher with the parameters as detailed
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  • Exploring the Potential of Anti-Diabetic Drug Repurposing for Cancer Prevention
    The supplementary datasets 1-3 are available for download.
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  • DELLA Proteins Recruit the Mediator Complex Subunit MED15 to Co-activate Transcription in Land Plants
    Data for the manuscript Jorge Hernández-García*1,2, Antonio Serrano-Mislata1, María Lozano-Quiles1, Cristina Úrbez1, María A Nohales1, Noel Blanco-Touriñán1, Huadong Peng3,4, Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro3,4, Miguel A Blázquez*1. 1Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP), CSIC-Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain 2Laboratory of Biochemistry, Wageningen University, Stippeneng 4, 6703 WE Wageningen, The Netherlands 3Imperial College Centre for Synthetic Biology, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK. 4Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK. *Corresponding authors: Jorge Hernández-García, Miguel A Blázquez. Email:, Abstract DELLA proteins are negative regulators of the gibberellin response pathway in angiosperms, acting as central hubs that interact with hundreds of transcription factors and regulators to modulate their activities. While the mechanism of transcription factor sequestration by DELLAs to prevent DNA binding to downstream targets has been extensively documented, the mechanism that allows them to act as co-activators remains to be understood. Here, we demonstrate that DELLAs directly recruit the Mediator complex to specific loci in Arabidopsis, facilitating transcription. This recruitment involves DELLA amino-terminal domain and the conserved MED15 KIX domain. Accordingly, partial loss of MED15 function mainly disrupted processes known to rely on DELLA co-activation capacity; including cytokinin-dependent regulation of meristem function and skotomorphogenic response, gibberellin metabolism feedback, and flavonol production. We have also found that the single DELLA protein in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha is capable of recruiting MpMED15 subunits, contributing to transcriptional co-activation. The conservation of Mediator-dependent transcriptional co-activation by DELLA between Arabidopsis and Marchantia implies that this mechanism is intrinsic to the emergence of DELLA in the last common ancestor of land plants.
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  • Coupled Pacific Rim megadroughts contributed to the fall of Ming Dynasty’s capital in 1644 CE
    Historical documents provide evidence for regional droughts preceding the political turmoil and fall of Beijing in 1644 CE, and more than 20 million people died in northern China over the late Ming famine period. However, the significance of environmental drivers and large-scale spatiotemporal climatic patterns that could perhaps be linked with this major unrest remain unknown. Here, we provide evidence for persistent megadroughts from 1576-1593 and 1624-1643 derived from a tree-ring network across northern China and coinciding with exceptionally cold conditions just before the fall of Beijing. We show that these regional deviations are part of a series of megadroughts along the Pacific Rim, which not only impacted the ecology and society in monsoonal northern China, but also exacerbated external geopolitical and economic pressures. This conclusion is supported by last millennium reanalysis and numerical model simulations revealing internally driven Pacific sea surface temperature variations and the predominance of decadal scale La Niña-like conditions to be the drivers of decreased rainfall in northern China and the North and South American monsoon regions. These teleconnective patterns provide a mechanistic explanation for reoccurring drought during the late Ming Dynasty and the environmental framework fostering the fall of Ming Dynasty’s capital in 1644 CE.
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  • Dataset of student internship experience, competence, psychological capital and employability’s vocational student (Original data)
    This data is the original data collected through a survey conducted on student internship experience, competence, psychological capital, and employability of vocational students in Aceh Province. Data were collected by simple random sampling through surveys and questionnaires from August to December 2022. The data collected included 266 vocational students who had participated in internship programmes in industries and businesses. The goal of the survey was to collect information on the internship experiences of vocational students and schools in Aceh Province as it relates to employability through psychological capital and competencies. This dataset can be useful for policymakers and practitioners of vocational education institutions as well as a broad reference for improving learning both in schools and in industry. In addition, this dataset can also be a broad reference for other researchers who are interested in understanding students' experiences of internships and employability from different perspectives. Thus, this dataset has great potential to be used in various analyses and research related to vocational education and improving students' employability in Aceh.
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  • Electrical resistivity imaging data for hydrological and geological investigations of virgin Rospuda river peatland (North-East Poland).
    The data considers electrical resistivity imaging results for hydrological and geological investigations conducted in the reference Polish location. The repository is structured into a folder - ERI Rospuda Data, which contains raw data (presented in general array format; in "dat" files), inverted resistivity models images for each ERI profile (presented in "jpg" files), and the location of the ERI profiles (KML format).
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  • Charging Station Environment - Dataset and Results
    The generated charging station data and the results obtained for the electric vehicles charging scheduling problem with admission decision and photovoltaic panels production. The GitHub repository associated to reproduce the results can be found on:
    • Dataset
  • Safety KAB Current Psychology
    The data is for analysing the relationship between safety knowledge, safety attitude, safety behaviour, and accident amongst solid waste management (general) worker in a particular state in Malaysia. The data was analysed using PLS-SEM (PLS Algorithm and Bootstrapping).
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The Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative

Elsevier's Mendeley Data repository is a participating member of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) GREI project. The GREI includes seven established generalist repositories funded by the NIH to work together to establish consistent metadata, develop use cases for data sharing, train and educate researchers on FAIR data and the importance of data sharing, and more.

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