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1970 2025
4 results
  • Spontaneous Droplet Motion on Structured Surfaces with Curved and Straight wedges
    Original data for Supplementary Videos of "Enhancing Spontaneous Droplet Motion on Structured Surfaces with Tailored Wedge Design" by Wang et al., Adv. Mater. Interfaces. 2020 (doi: 10.1002/admi.202000520). The data are video recordings during experiments designed to verify the proposed theoretical model on prediction of spontaneous droplet movement on patterned surfaces with straight and curved wedges. The designed wedges can be described by the profile functions y = 0.009775 x^2 + 0.01534 x − 0.03014 (in mm, "curved wedge") and y = tan (3°)x + 0.2661 (in mm, "straight wedge"). – video “curve 5ul” compares the motion of 5 ml droplets placed on the curved wedge at three positions x0 away from the wedge tip; – video “curve x0 4.7mm” compares the motion of droplets of volume 3, 4 and 5 ml placed on the curved wedge at x0= 4.7 mm from the wedge tip; – video “straight 5ul” compares the motion of 5 ml droplets placed on the straight wedge at three positions x0 away from the wedge tip; – video “straight x0 6.0mm” compares the motion of droplets of volume 3, 4 and 5 ml placed on the straight wedge at x0= 6.0 mm from the wedge tip.
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  • Contactless tensile probing of polycrystalline methane hydrate at pore scale
    Original data for Supplementary Videos 1 and 2 of "Contactless probing of polycrystalline methane hydrate at pore scale suggests weaker tensile properties than thought" by Datig et al., Nature Comm. 2020. The data are video microscopy recordings during an experiment designed to form a polycrystalline methane hydrate halo, which is subsequently subjected to tensile stress using a contactless thermal method. Video 1: Under constant gas pressure of 15 MPa, the temperature is lowered at -5 K/min, followed by an annealing stage at -23.5 °C, and finally the temperature is raised at +0.2 K/min. Video 2: Under constant gas pressure of 15 MPa, the temperature is lowered at -5 K/min, followed by an annealing stage at -5 °C, and finally the temperature is raised at +0.2 K/min.
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  • Data for "Hydro-mechanical behaviour of high-density bentonite pellet on partial hydration"
    Compression test results: pellet modulus, pellet strength and maximal displacement for axial and radial directions (Fig. 8 and Fig 9. in article).
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  • A study on the effects of an explosion in the Pantheon of Rome
    Attention is focused on the response of monumental buildings to internal explosions. The study covers the emblematic case of the Pantheon in Rome, yet it sheds light on more generic ones. Propagation of incident and reflected blast waves and their impact on the structure are considered in terms of a coupled solid-fluid simulation which relies on a multi-material formulation and a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. The pre-existent cracks spreading the dome and the material non-linearities of low-tensile strength concrete aggregates are considered. The geometry of the structure is accounted by a detailed three-dimensional model. The numerical results draw a picture where the use of empirical laws to model blast actions in structures with complex geometry may be inadequate. In fact, the coupled solid-fluid simulations show strong localizations of shock waves due to the dome-vaulted geometry which concentrates the energy released by the explosion as a concave mirror. The video shows the evolution in time of the pressure field originated by the explosion. The structural response is highly influenced by the high-pressure volume which stems from wave localization phenomena in the center of the dome as well as by the presence of the pre-existent cracks.
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