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1970 2025
19 results
  • Hybrid Input-Output tables for Argentina at year 2012
    All data stand for the year 2012 The IOT_Val_ARG file gives the input-output table in millions of pesos for 19 sectors The IOT_Qtities_ARG file gives the input-output table in quantities for 19 sectors. The energy sectors are in ktoe, and the others in "pseudo-quantities". The IOT_Prices_ARG file gives the unitary prices that are consistent with IOT in volume and value for intermediate consumption, final consumption, production and imports. The IOT_CO2Emis_ARG gives the energy-consumption related emissions in MtCO2 for intermediate consumption and final consumption.
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  • Spontaneous Droplet Motion on Structured Surfaces with Curved and Straight wedges
    Original data for Supplementary Videos of "Enhancing Spontaneous Droplet Motion on Structured Surfaces with Tailored Wedge Design" by Wang et al., Adv. Mater. Interfaces. 2020 (doi: 10.1002/admi.202000520). The data are video recordings during experiments designed to verify the proposed theoretical model on prediction of spontaneous droplet movement on patterned surfaces with straight and curved wedges. The designed wedges can be described by the profile functions y = 0.009775 x^2 + 0.01534 x − 0.03014 (in mm, "curved wedge") and y = tan (3°)x + 0.2661 (in mm, "straight wedge"). – video “curve 5ul” compares the motion of 5 ml droplets placed on the curved wedge at three positions x0 away from the wedge tip; – video “curve x0 4.7mm” compares the motion of droplets of volume 3, 4 and 5 ml placed on the curved wedge at x0= 4.7 mm from the wedge tip; – video “straight 5ul” compares the motion of 5 ml droplets placed on the straight wedge at three positions x0 away from the wedge tip; – video “straight x0 6.0mm” compares the motion of droplets of volume 3, 4 and 5 ml placed on the straight wedge at x0= 6.0 mm from the wedge tip.
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  • Data for: "Self-correction of science: a comparative study of negative citations and post-publication peer review"
    In order to evaluate negative citations in articles and comments on PubPeer as mechanisms for correcting science, we have built up a corpus of articles associated with retraction or correction notices. As we are interested in citations, we focus here on articles with at least 1 citation according to Scite database, that is 45,811 articles.
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  • Contactless tensile probing of polycrystalline methane hydrate at pore scale
    Original data for Supplementary Videos 1 and 2 of "Contactless probing of polycrystalline methane hydrate at pore scale suggests weaker tensile properties than thought" by Datig et al., Nature Comm. 2020. The data are video microscopy recordings during an experiment designed to form a polycrystalline methane hydrate halo, which is subsequently subjected to tensile stress using a contactless thermal method. Video 1: Under constant gas pressure of 15 MPa, the temperature is lowered at -5 K/min, followed by an annealing stage at -23.5 °C, and finally the temperature is raised at +0.2 K/min. Video 2: Under constant gas pressure of 15 MPa, the temperature is lowered at -5 K/min, followed by an annealing stage at -5 °C, and finally the temperature is raised at +0.2 K/min.
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  • Transfer dynamic of macroplastics in estuaries – Short term dynamic based on GPS-trackers
    Plastic transport from land to sea may be non-linear with a great influence of tides and wind, in particular downstream. We thus performed tracking of plastic waste using GPS-trackers sealed into floating plastic bottles. Those data are discussed in the following paper: "Transfer dynamic of macroplastics in estuaries – New insights from the Seine estuary: Part 2. Short term dynamic based on GPS-trackers" in Marine Pollution Bulletin. This dataset gathers .csv files each coresponding to a trajectory recorded in the Seine river. Each file name is set as follows: dd_mm_yy_Macroplast_ENPC_GPS IMEI-City. The date and the city are the time and the location of release. ENPC for Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussées (one of the partner institution, with UPEC). Half-submerged and floating bottles were used in pairs to identify changes in trajectories related to windage. To rely each bottle, i.e. each .csv file, to its respective buoyancy, please refer to the research paper. Data show that 100% plastic debris strand somewhere along their way to the Sea. But, they are frequently remobilized, espacially by tides in the estuary. They can be transported upstream and deposited again. Those processes may greatly delay the transfer of plastics from land to Sea. Increasing the residence time of plastics in rivers may also increase the probability of fragementation into microplastics. Since the probability of stranding is 100% and the time spent stranded up to three times higher than the time spent in water, cleaning riverbanks constitutes the best curative solution to tackle the marine pollution accordingly. Because cleaning rivers from macroplastics with prevention policies and curative actions is far easier than cleaning the open ocean from the resulting microplastics. Data might also be used to constrain modelisation on plastic transport to take into account the stranding/remobilization processes and then better constrain global estimation of plastic input into the Ocean.
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  • Data for "Hydro-mechanical behaviour of high-density bentonite pellet on partial hydration"
    Compression test results: pellet modulus, pellet strength and maximal displacement for axial and radial directions (Fig. 8 and Fig 9. in article).
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  • Date-prints macroplastics - Microlax packagings
    Inventory of Microlax packaging collected in the Seine estuary showing date-prints. Rivers are a major transport pathways for plastics from land into the ocean. At the land-ocean interface, estuaries are very specific hydrodynamic systems. However, very little is known about the transport dynamic of plastics in estuaries. Tidal regimes, winds and the mixing of fresh and salt water make the transfer dynamic of plastics complex and nonlinear. Microlax packagings were systematically investigated in different riverbanks of the Seine estuary to identify the share of “old” and “fresh” litter transiting through the estuary toward the ocean. Results show that up to 70% of Microlax were “old” plastic items probably related to the meandering dynamic of the river at large time and space scales, and hydrodynamic conditions at smaller scales. This contributes together to increase the residence time of plastics into the estuary up to decades with numerous transport, deposit and remobilization cycles. It finally may results in the fragmentation of macroplastics into microplastics well before they reach the ocean.
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  • Hybrid Input-Output tables for Saudi Arabia at the year 2013
    - The IOT_KSA_Val file gives the input-output table in thousands of Riyals for 13 sectors. - The IOT_KSA_Qtities gives the input-output table in quantities for 13 sectors. The energy sectors are in ktoe, the cement and petrochemical sectors in tons, and the others in "pseudo-quantities". - The IOT_KSA_Prices gives the unitary prices that are consistent with IOT in volume and value for intermediate consumption, final consumption, production, and imports. - Income_Distribution gives the secondary income distribution among the represented institutional agents in thousands of Riyals. - The IOT_KSACO2Emis gives the energy-consumption related emissions in KtCO2 for intermediate consumption and final consumption.
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  • Scopus source title list: aggregated data (2011-2018)
    Scopus coverage updates (2011-2018) Data aggregated from Elsevier title list files; it provides: - source ID in Scopus - Title - ISSN - ESSN - Year of the title list file used as source - SNIP - Open access status - Status in the database (Added, previously indexed) - Filed - Subfield - ASJC code
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  • Data for: “Evaluation of contaminant retention in the soil of Sustainable Drainage Systems: methodological reflections on the determination of sorption isotherms”
    The reported data have been acquired within a research project investigating the ability of infiltration-based Sustainable Drainage Systems to mitigate pollutant fluxes in stormwater runoff. Sorption experiments have been carried out in batch systems, in order to characterize the sorption behavior of three soils towards copper and zinc, and one soil towards four organic micropollutants: Bisphenol A (BPA), 4-tert-Octylphenol (OP), 4-Nonylphenol (4NP), and Nonylphenol Ethoxylate (NP10). The soil samples originate from three source-control infiltration facilities. • Soil 1 is a sandy loam from a roadside swale; • Soil 2 is a silt loam from a roadside filter strip; • Soil 3 is a sandy clay loam from an infiltration basin. All experiments were carried out in non-competitive systems (i.e., individual contaminants in each batch system). The “reference conditions” corresponded to an electrolyte solution which mimicked the composition of runoff water (Evian and ultrapure water, volumetric ratio of 1:10). The sorption behavior of metals onto soils 1 and 3 was also investigated in different conditions: • 1.0 g/L of sodium chloride, to investigate the effects of deicing salt in runoff water; • 10 mg/L of humic acids, to represent the natural generation of dissolved organic matter in the soil solution. The methodology used to select the experimental conditions is thoroughly described in a research article entitled: “Evaluation of contaminant retention in the soil of Sustainable Drainage Systems: methodological reflections on the determination of sorption isotherms” (Blue-Green Systems 1(1), doi: 10.2166/bgs.2019.196). The appended files present the experimental points of the sorption isotherms for each characterized soil. • Soil 1: metals in the reference conditions (Metals_ref), metals with sodium chloride (Metals_NaCl), metals with humic acids (Metals_HA), organic micropollutants; • Soil 2: metals in the reference conditions; • Soil 3: metals in the reference conditions, metals with sodium chloride, metals with humic acids. The concentrations in the dissolved phase are referred to as “X_diss”, where X is the studied species (Cu, Zn, etc.), and are expressed in mg/L. BPA stands for Bisphenol A, OP stands for 4-tert-Octylphenol, 4NP stands for 4-Nonylphenol, and NP10 stands for Nonylphenol Ethoxylate. The contents in the solid phase are referred to as “X_sorb” and are expressed in mg/kg. In case the tests were carried out in duplicates, the columns “X_diss” and “X_sorb” correspond to the mean values of the experiments; two additional columns, referred to as “sdX_diss” and “sdX_sorb”, provide the standard deviations (also expressed in mg/L and mg/kg, respectively).
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