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Mendeley Data Showcase

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1970 2024
29842491 results
  • Pronounced Pacific-side Arctic sea ice melting during the Late Holocene
    Data file 1 shows the measured data of core LV77-36-1 used in this study, including the Age model, biomarker dataset,diatom species. Data file 2 shows the referenced data in Extended Data Table 1, including the paleo-climate evidences used in this study from 20 referenced sites. Data file 3 shows the referenced data in Extended Data Table 2, including the paleo-sea ice records compiled in this study from the pan Arctic regions.
    • Dataset
  • Raw data
    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between employees’ career adaptability and work engagement. Specifically, this study investigates the mediating role of person-organization fit in the relationship between career adaptability and work engagement and the moderating role of job insecurity in this mediating effect.
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  • Auditing leading officials: Unintended consequences of government audit reform on corporate green innovation
    The attached folder replicates the results in the paper titled "Auditing leading officials: Unintended consequences of government audit reform on corporate green innovation" by Hua Zhang and Jie Lai.
    • Dataset
  • Stress-sensitive Neural Circuits Change the Gut Microbiome via Duodenal Glands
    Rare date for cell submission entitled "Stress-sensitive Neural Circuits Change the Gut Microbiome via Duodenal Glands"
    • Dataset
  • Exploring Factors influencing the Online Impulse Buying Behavior of Students on TikTok Shop
    The dataset aims to explore the factors influencing the online impulse buying behavior of university and college students in Can Tho, a central city in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, on TikTok Shop. Data collection was conducted from January 2024 to March 2024 via an online questionnaire, resulting in 361 valid responses.
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  • Roadkill data of wild vertebrates in Northern Central America
    We collected data on vertebrate wildlife-vehicle collisions from self-initiated iNaturalist projects in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to establish the first comprehensive database of species affected by roads in the Northern Central America (NCA) region. These projects are driven by citizen scientists, biologists, and conservationists and were non-systematically collected. The database covers 670 records from 2011 to December 31, 2023, and has undergone rigorous review to classify each entry using accompanying photos to the lowest taxonomic level possible. We also removed errors such as duplicates and location inaccuracies by ensuring collision sites align with roadways. The database will be updated annually, with the next update scheduled for January 2025. To access the raw database, please visit the project websites on iNaturalist: El Salvador: Honduras: Guatemala:
    • Dataset
  • Comparing Traditional MTS Training to Observational Learning to Establish Equivalence Classes with Adults
    We compared traditional match-to-sample training with individual observational learning of equivalence classes through the use of video models. Two groups of OL were included: one showing progressive performance and a second showing errorless performance throughout training. Data were collected during a computerized pretest, sorting pretest, training, a computerized posttest, and a sorting posttest. Results showed that OL-Mixed training (showing progressively increasing correct performance) led to the greatest increases from pretest to posttest. Additionally, OL-Mixed training led to the highest yield (i.e., number of participants passing the posttest/demonstrating equivalence class formation). Data for: Pre/Post Difference Scores, MTS Training Data, Group Means, Training Duration, Testing Duration, Yield, and Sorting Pre/Posttest Data.
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  • windi data
    this article data
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  • Itamaraca_Island_CASSIE_ENSO
    This study analyzed the shoreline spatiotemporal variability and its relationship with wave power and global teleconnection indices on sandy beaches located on the insular margin of a southern Atlantic tropical island (Itamaracá Island, Pernambuco, Brazil). Accretion and erosion cycles were recorded through coastline behavior between interannual and multidecadal time scales, and the correlations observed were suggestive of El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events influencing wave power and shoreline variability. The study area was subdivided into: Sector 1 (~W–E orientation) and Sector 2 (S–N orientation). Through the free web tool Coastal Analyst System from Space Imagery Engine (CASSIE), a shoreline sample series (Google Earth Engine's public satellite images database), between 1984 and 2020, was extracted and processed. The correlation analysis between wave power and influence of global teleconnection indices used public data from ERA-5 global reanalysis and the global ocean-atmosphere indices of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) covering a 36-years period. The correlations identified between the analyzed time series were statistically supported by applying correlation coefficient (r), significance test (p), wavelet coherence and phase difference and principal component analysis (PCA).
    • Dataset