Data for "Impact of Catch-Up Vaccination on Aluminum Exposure Due to New Laws and Post Social Distancing"

Published: 1 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/222nkpmmyj.1
James Lyons-Weiler


The study compared aluminum accumulation, clearance and whole-body toxicity in children who have had delayed vaccination or a hiatus in vaccination due to social distancing from COVID-19. Five uses cases are examined and three strategies to start or restart vaccination are compared using %AlumTox, our previously published statistics of expected whole-body toxicity. The hypothesis is that all schedule will have the same effect on whole-body clearance. The data provided can reproduce the results of our analyses.


Steps to reproduce

Instructions are provided in the Excel file. Change the Case Number to execute the analyses to reproduce published results.


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Toxicology, Pediatrics, Human Vaccines for Infectious Disease
