Dataset Linking Dental Caries and Academic Performance in Children Using Mediation Analysis

Published: 26 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/223jv2z7rn.1
Basaruddin Ahmad,


The dataset is relevant for the report titled "The Mediation Pathway Linking Dental Caries and Academic Performance in Children". It is part of a larger dataset from the PhD project reported in the thesis titled "THE IMPACT OF ORAL HEALTH CONDITIONS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF YOUNG ADOLESCENTS IN JAZAN, SAUDI ARABIA" submitted in 2021 by Mir Faeq Ali Quadri. The data is from a cross-sectional study on adolescent aged 12-24 years in Jazan, Saudi Arabia and collected between April 2017 and August 2017 of which the protocol was approved by the ethics committee of Jazan University (Reference: 12-04-2016 COD-JU). Permission from the Jazan School Education Department and school principals were obtained before data collection and informed consent were sought from the parents and children.


Steps to reproduce

Dataset variables. Gender - binary Age - continuous Location - binary Father's education - nominal STS2 - standard test score is the school examination results obtained from the school, classification is based on the definition by the Saudi Arabia examination system DT - decayed tooth index, assessed clinically following the WHO basic survey method. SleepImpactscore - derived from the item on the frequency and severity of oral health impact on sleep from the Arabic version of Child-OIDP instrument. StudyImpactScore - derived from the item on the frequency and severity of oral health impact on study from the Arabic version of Child-OIDP instrument. SchoolAbsenceDentalPain - the number days absent from school due to dental pain in the past three months was asked of the participants. Further permission to use and publish findings related to the dataset is required.


Universiti Sains Malaysia


Dentistry, Academic Performance, Mediation Analysis, Dental Public Health, Dental Caries
