Survey on migration and adaptation in deltas in Bangladesh, Ghana and India
The datasets comprise four quantitative surveys conducted as part of the project Deltas, vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation (DECCMA). The datasets include four cross-sectional household survey in 50 migrant sending locations in each of the four deltas in South Asia (Bangladesh, GBM and India, Mahanadi and IDB) and in West Africa (Volta, Ghana) between March and October 2016. The sampling strategy consisted of a two-stage cluster design. The first stage of stratification created multi-hazard maps which divided the study areas into five hazard zones (very low, low, medium, high, very high) based on normalizing the hazard score and dividing into quintiles. Each cluster of households in the study area was assigned one of five hazard categories based on the modal risk category. For each multi-hazard zone, the number of clusters were selected proportional to the number of clusters in that zone. Once clusters had been selected, a household listing allowed randomized sampling. The survey data comprises 5450 completed household questionnaires of which 31 percent (N= 1668) stem from households that reported at least one migrant. The remaining 69 percent were defined as households not-engaged in migration. The design and collection of the cross-sectional survey involved researchers from University of Exeter (UK), University of Southampton (UK), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Bangladesh), Jadavpur University (India), the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (Bangladesh) and University of Ghana (Ghana). The datasets described above were developed, designed and collected to capture information on demographic indicators, material wellbeing, subjective wellbeing, perceived changes in exposure to hazards, networks, place attachment, migration trajectories, and adaptation response to environmental hazards and change. The datasets can be used to investigate associations between environmental processes, migration pathways and social outcomes that are critical for environmental policy and development strategies for the delta regions in Ghana, Bangladesh and India, and deltas more generally. For example, variables on perceived level of exposure to hazards will allow researchers to examine the extent to which environmental change and risks play a role in individual migration decision-making or future migration intentions. The datasets are in .xls format and are accompanied by respective questionnaires. Additional details can be found in the ReadMe file.
Steps to reproduce
The surveys were implemented using electronic tablets loaded with the free software Survey Solutions developed by the World Bank. Steps for quality assurance of the resulting data included a) pre-testing of the questionnaire by in country partners; b) questionnaires were translated into local language to include cultural specific terminology; c) recruitment and training of enumerators prior to implementation of surveys; d) consistent supervision in the field; e) multiple quality checks performed at the point of survey upload and subsequent validations by enumerators, field supervisors and control headquarters Prior to survey implementation the research protocol was subject to review and approval by Ethic Committees at partner institutions. Following data sharing best practices the datasets have been anonymised and standardized to ensure participant anonymity at all times. The datasets here can be disaggregated by gender and/or exposure to hazards. The datasets can be analysed using a broad range software packages including IBM SPSS, Stata and Excel.