
Published: 16 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/234b7mnzyf.1
Olga Mondrus


Survey data were collected from 96 respondents involved in the development of video games in Russia.


Steps to reproduce

We used a conveniece sample approach to collect data for our research. The survey was carried out through an online questionnaire using Google Forms. Motivation letters with a link to the online questionnaire was distributed in 9 specialized communication channels for game developers, the main share of which made Telegram channels ('Kak Delayut Igry', 'DevGAMM', 'Chat razrabotchikov igr', 'Razrabotka igr / Unity / Gejmdev chat', 'Flood Unity', '', closed channel for graduates of the Higher School of Business programs related to the development of video games). The questionnaire was also distributed in the Discord channel 'Indikator' and on the DTF Internet resource. Money incentives or paid publications were not used. All respondents were informed that their participation is completely voluntary and confidential.


Nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij universitet Vyssaa skola ekonomiki


Creativity, Talent Management, Employee Burnout
