Redox potential values and nitrate concentrations of each classified piezometer in an artificially drained agricultural catchment

Published: 22 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/235yhyjjbt.1
Maria Isabel Senal,


In Senal et al., we used two clustering techniques on the average electrical conductivity (EC) values to generate subzones based and to determine the possible nitrate reduction hotspot (NRH) areas. To determine the possible NRH areas, redox potential values and nitrate (NO₃ˉ) concentrations were also measured based on the assumption that NRH areas are associated with low redox potential values and NO₃ˉ concentrations. This file includes the classification of the piezometers according to the classes generated both from the unsupervised ISODATA clustering (ISODATA) of the average electrical conductivity (EC) values and Gi bin values (confidence level bin) from the Optimized Hot Spot Analysis (HOTSPOT). Coordinates are in UTM Zone 32N (ETRS89). Also included in this excel file are the corrected redox values and NO₃ˉconcentrations from each piezometer for each month (date of collection) as well as the average for the entire collection period.



Clustering, Oxidation Reduction Potential, Nitrate
