What is known about personal reputation? A systematic literature review

Published: 17 April 2023| Version 10 | DOI: 10.17632/23s9g9gmns.10
, Ramses Cabrera, Laura Berenice Sánchez Baltasar


This file shows the codification process around a personal reputation systematic review


Steps to reproduce

1) Access to Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus and Communication and Mass Media Complete databases 2) Include the following set of keywords with the Boolean operator "OR" and filter by the field "Abstract". This set considered the terms: “personal reputation”, “reputation of the individual”, “personals' reputations”, “individuals’ reputation”, “reputation of the person”, “reputation of the persons". 3) The searches were accomplished on November 2022 4) Inclusion Criteria ● Include any of the keywords mentioned above ● Literature included in WoS, Scopus, Communication & Mass Media Complete ● With a range of years of coverage from 1984-2022 5) Exclusion Criteria ● Articles that exclusively contemplate the study of corporate reputation or group reputation. ● Articles focused mainly in topics linked with personal behavior.


Universidad de Extremadura - Campus Badajoz, Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla


