Petrophysical and petrothermal raw data of the sedimentary succession in the Oliana anticline (Southern Pyrenees)
This dataset includes raw petrophysical (mineral density, bulk density, connected porosity, permeability and P-wave velocity) and petrothermal (thermal conductivity and effusivity) data from detrital, carbonate and evaporite rocks of the folded sedimentary succession of the Oliana anticline in the Southern Pyrenees.
Steps to reproduce
Field work for field data collection and sampling. Samples were oriented in the field with respect to the bedding. Sample procesing to acquire 5.0 x 5.0 x 7.0 cm rock cubes and then drill 4.0 x 5.5 cm cylindrical plugs to measure the petrophysical properties of the rocks in bed-parallel and bed-perpendicular orientation. Sample processing to sawn rock slices to measure the thermal properties of the rocks. The slices were oriented bed-parallel and bed-perpendicular and have a minimum thickness of 3 cm and two smooth, parallel surfaces to place the thermal sensor. Mineral and bulk densities using mass and volume relations between water-saturated and dry samples. Connected porosity by water porosimetry using the Archimedes method. Permeability in a nitrogen gas permeameter using a Hassler cell and steady-state flow method. P-wave velocity using a portable Pundit 6 system (CNS Electronics LTD) operating at a regular frequency of 1 MHz. Thermal conductivity using a C-Therm Trident TCi thermal analyser and the Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) method.