SOLID consumer survey dataset
Consumer survey data on the acceptance of the adobtion of 3 sustainable dairying practicves: Prolonged maternal feeding, Alternative home-grown proteins and Agroforestry. Data on different items belonging to the following constructs: • Intention to behaviour, which exerts a direct impact to a specific behaviour and which in turn is inferred by personal attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control; • Attitude towards the behaviour, i.e. the attitude that an individual has to adopt or not adopt a specific behaviour; • Subjective norm, i.e. the influence that the view of others has on the individual’s choices; • Perceived behavioural control, i.e. factors that may facilitate or constrain the performance of the behaviour. Research Hypotheses H1: Dairy consumers’ attitude towards dairy products applying one of the innovations is positively associated with their intention to buy it. H2: The more that a consumer perceives an innovation as beneficial (H2a)/risky (H2b), the more favourable/unfavourable is that consumer attitude towards its adoption. H3. The more a consumer perceives the influence of social and peer pressure to be favourable toward the innovation, the more favourable that consumer is towards buying dairy products applying it. H4a. The attitude towards dairy products applying the innovation is more favourable for consumers with higher Moral Norm. H4b. The attitude towards dairy products applying the innovation is more favourable for regular organic consumers. H5. The attitude towards dairy products applying the innovations is more favourable for female consumers.
Steps to reproduce
Data collected via online survey instrument (questionnaire) on Qualtrics. English questionnaire available in the dataset.