Fifa 11+ Kids on knee torque and the performance

Published: 22 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/24rjsypp2n.1
Daniel Lobato


Data corresponds to the study titled "Effect of Fifa 11+ Kids on knee flexor and extensor torque and the performance on the agility T-test – A randomized, controlled, clinical trial". It was hypothesized that the FIFA 11 Kids training (FT) may promote an increase in muscle strength, facilitate greater balance in the knee agonist/antagonist ratio, and improve functional performance. Post-intervention knee extensor torque was significantly greater in the dominant (P<0.001) and non-dominant (P<0.001) limbs than baseline FT values. Post-intervention knee extensor torque values for the dominant (P=0.03) and non-dominant (P=0.02) limbs were significantly greater for the FT group than control group. Post-intervention knee flexor torque values were significantly greater in the dominant (P=0.003) and non-dominant (P=0.001) limbs than baseline FT values. Post-intervention knee flexor torque values for the non-dominant limb (P=0.007) were significantly greater for the FT group than control group. Post-intervention knee flexor time to peak torque was significantly lower in the dominant limb (P=0.05) than baseline FT values. FIFA 11+ Kids training increased the knee flexor and extensor torques and reduced the time to knee flexor torque. It did not improve the agonist/antagonist ratio or agility performance.


Steps to reproduce

Knee flexor and extensor assessments using a Lafayette (01165 model) isometric hand-held dynamometer (Lafayette Instrument Inc., Lafayette, IN, USA) measured the participants’ strength. A functional performance evaluation was conducted during the agility T-test. The FT intervention consisted of seven different exercises focusing on running, jumping, balance/coordination, stability, and landing technique. Each exercise had five levels of difficulty. All athletes began with level one and proceeded to the next level if they could perform the exercise without errors. The CT intervention simulated conventional training that athletes usually undergo on a team. It consisted of a basic warm-up used at the beginning of training to familiarize athletes with the exercises performed during the rest of the training. This training also encompassed standard jogging, ball exercises, and whole-body stretching. Both interventions involved each participant performing 24 training sessions over approximately eight weeks, with three sessions per week on alternate days. The average duration of each session was 20 minutes, and all sessions were supervised by three physical therapists involved in this research.


Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro


Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Biomechanics


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior

Finance Code 001

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais

APQ 02141-2015
