OBI (WIPO) invention patent 20210100177, "Gold Bullion Origination and Verification System with Unique Identification by embedding Traceable Ingredients"

Published: 21 February 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/2592m8ctp6.2
Athanasios Zisopoulos


The golden coin and bullion market today suffers from unlimited falsifying attempts. Counterfeiter from ancient times find their way to illegal profit. Today to verify gold pureness analytical machines are in use. The main issue is that they cannot identify every single bullion for anti-money laundry law enforcement. Our solution is to insert inside the golden bullion, between casting and minting a number of distinguish ingredients (9). These traceability elements irrevocable and unique identify every golden bullion or coin. After minting (5) the secure identification recognition system (6) uses sensors like Electrical Conductivity sensor(33), heat transfer sensor(35), full Radio-Frequency system(37), X Ray fingerprint(39) and acoustic sensors (41) to give a unique certified Identification number (6) with associated detailed anti-forgery data. The bullion with a certified ID is definitely gold, unlike any other non-certified “possibly gold” bullion.


Steps to reproduce

Selection criterium for Mendeleyevian elements Antipodal materials must meet two Econophysics rules: • The melding point of the additive ingredient must be high above the carrier material, otherwise both materials meld and no distinguish fibers will be created. • The add on material/element must be as far as possible for the property that we try to locate inside the tangible final object. We do not seek for specific metal properties but only for distinguishability. The problem to be solved was to measure and to find the location with appropriate sensors in a three-dimensional axis of the properties of a gold bullion. Simple study proved that between Gold and Sulphur there is a distance- FULL REVELATION IN PATENT CLAIMS section


University of Western Macedonia


National Patent Office
