Extrapineal melatonin and CORT in anurans following LPS injection
Published: 3 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/25jx9t827v.1
Stefanny Christie Monteiro TitonDescription
This is the raw data for the published paper: Day vs. night melatonin and corticosterone modulation by LPS in distinct tissues of toads (Rhinella icterica) in the Journal Integrative and Comparative Biology.
Steps to reproduce
The file has all the data for the paper Day vs. night melatonin and corticosterone modulation by LPS in distinct tissues of toads (Rhinella icterica) in the Journal Integrative and Comparative Biology. The statistical analyses section contains all the steps to reproduce. Also you can perform any other analysis you want to.
Universidade de Sao Paulo