Data for: Can solar tower plants withstand the operational flexibility of combined cycle plants?

Published: 11 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/25sf6x4c5j.1
, Jesús Gómez-Hernández, Carlos Ruiz, Domingo Santana


Trends of the main thermodynamics variables during the transient response of the steam genrator. The meaning of the different variables is detailed below: % t: time [s] 1D vector % pv: HP turbine steam pressure [bar] 1D vector % prhv: LP turbine steam pressure [bar] 1D vector % m1v: HP turbine steam mass flow [kg/s] 1D vector % m1rhv: LP turbine steam mass flow [kg/s] 1D vector % m2v: salt mass flow [kg/s] 1D vector % t1shov: superheater steam oultel temperature [ºC] 1D vector % t1shova: (Attemperated) HP turbine steam inlet temperature [ºC] 1D vector % t1rhov: LP turbine steam inlet temperature [ºC] 1D vector % t2shiv: steam generator salt inlet temperature [ºC] 1D vector % t2phov: steam generator salt outlet temperature [ºC] 1D vector % t1phiv: steam generator feed-water inlet temperature [ºC] 1D vector



