Robotic assembly data of threaded fasteners: aeronautical collars

Published: 31 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/26674p3hvg.1
, Thiago Henrique Segreto Silva, Guilherme Ribeiro Moreira,


This dataset contains temporal data for position, orientation, force, and torque related to threaded fasteners' assembly for aircraft manufacturing called collars. A Kuka KR16 industrial robot inserts the nuts into the bolts, aligning them with an active interaction controller to avoid high forces/torques, running a backspin, and final screwing rotation. The temporal data consists of kinematic (position and velocity) and dynamic (forces and torques) data obtained during the assembly. A single task has one possible outcome: - Mounted: successful assembly; - Jammed: failure, where the nut is stuck, and high torque is needed to continue or to remove the nut; - Not mounted: failure, the nut is not assembled. The "meta.csv" file contains the description for each experiment regarding the following parameters: - idx: the index of the bolt in the matrix of bolts. Aeronautical nuts count as different bolts. - individual_time: each experiment complete trial to finish; - label: outcome for that bolt; - experiment_id: the corresponding time series file name; The folder "data" contains the time series for each individual experiment. A brief description is given for each column: - time: current time step for that sample; - x, y, z: position of the end-effector in the world frame; - rotx, roty, rotz: Euler angles of the end-effector in the world frame. Kuka robots use A, B, and C for consecutive rotations along with Z (rotz), Y (roty), and X (rotx) axes, respectively. - fx, fy, fz: forces measured by the force-torque sensor in the sensor frame; - mx, my, mz: torques measured by the force-torque sensor in the sensor frame; - vx, vy, vz: linear velocities of the end-effector in the world frame calculated by finite difference of one single step; - vrotx, vroty, vrotz: angular velocities of the end-effector in the world frame calculated by finite difference of one single step.



Universidade de Sao Paulo


Engineering, Robotics, Assembly Line, Bolted Joint, Manufacturing Robotics
