Data for flood management techniques and challenges during flash flood in the Bihar
A flash flood is such an event which results into loss of life and property to people mostly living in countryside. This event mostly takes place in northern part of Bihar due to surplus amount of water being discharged by Nepal in rivers like Gandak river which ultimately increases the current of the river. This condition is even badly hit by erosion of banks of rivers which increases the risk of collapse of bunds which eventually pushes water in the villages which affects the life of people. So, in Anti-Erosion work engineers basically try to look into this problem and they have come up with certain solution like construction of Teeth Bars whose main objective is to deflect the water away from the banks of the river. Water Resources Department of various states take preventive measure to control flood and certain precaution are taken up especially at the banks of river which are vulnerable to erosive action of the river. Such measures include building of teeth bar along the banks of the river which is most vulnerable to erosive action of the river, which would otherwise cut down the bandh and flood down the plain area. Such teeth bar helps in deflecting the flood causing water and hence banks are being protected from being cut down. Apron design is the key feature of this preventive measure which is done by launching nylon crate in the river for making the base over which nylon crate and gabion would be placed.
Steps to reproduce
• The data consist of calculation of nylon crate and Geobags which are used for the construction of teeth bars which helps in the deflection of high current of water. • Anti-Erosion Work to prevent the scouring and erosive action of the river against the bank of the river • Formation of teeth bar as shown in figure 1, for the protection of the river bank which is the projection formed towards the river which serve the purpose of deflecting flood water and protect the banks from getting eroded. • Formation of requisite number of teeth Bars along the bank of the river to deflect heavy flash downpour in the river. • Estimating the amount of nylon crate and gabions used in the ant erosion work along with requisite number of Geobags and Empty Cement Bags