Data for: Start-up and long-term operation of the nitrification process using landfill leachates in a pilot sequencing batch bioreactor
Published: 7 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/269yr8p4ch.1
, , , , , , Description
This dataset supports the article "Start-up and long-term operation of the nitrification process using landfill leachates in a pilot sequencing batch bioreactor". - File "Operation data and respirometry.xls": Main operational values along the 61 weeks of operation and the specific oxidation rate at several ammonia and nitrite concentrations. - File "Leachate characterization and heavy metals concentrations.xls": Physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals in the landfill leachate batches (12), and heavy metal composition in the bioreactor (medium filtered) and in the biomass. - File "NGS": NGS results at two levels (L2 and L6) of the 4 samples analyzed.
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Technology Centre of Catalonia Eurecat, Universidad de Cadiz
Chemical Engineering
European Commission
LIFE18 ENV/ES/000426