Data library of irradiated fuel salt and off-gas tank composition for a molten salt reactor concept produced with Serpent2 and SOURCES 4C codes

Published: 22 November 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/26hc75jc5j.3
Vaibhav Mishra, Zsolt Elter, Erik Branger, Sophie Grape, Sorouche Mirmiran


This dataset has been prepared for the Compact Molten Salt Reactor (CMSR) that is being developed as a floating-type/transportable Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) by Seaborg Technologies in Copenhagen, Denmark. The version of the reactor design used in the preparation of this dataset was set to operate as a FUNaK-fuelled (or NaF-KF-UF4) and Sodium Hydroxide-moderated, converter-type reactor. It also features some novel features such as removal of volatile and gaseous fission products from the primary fuel salt to the off-gas tank with the help of a designated system called the Off-Gas System (OGS). This dataset was created using the Monte-Carlo particle transport code, Serpent2 and the neutron source term calculation code, SOURCES 4C. The dataset contains compositions (as nuclide masses in g/cm3) of the primary fuel salt and that of the off-gas tank contents at various combinations of Burnup (BU), Enrichment (IE), and Cooling Time (CT). The dataset also includes this data at various (35) rates of material movement from the primary salt to the off-gas tank. A total of 42 nuclides are removed this way and their concentrations are tracked throughout the simulations. In addition to these quantities, the dataset contains the total gamma emission rate (in photons/sec), total decay heat (in Watts), and total activity (in Becquerel) (which were also computed using Serpent2) for both, primary salt and the off-gas tank contents. Lastly, the dataset includes total neutron emission rates from spontaneous fission and alpha, n reactions which were computed using the SOURCES 4C code. In summation, there are a total of 2850 columns of data and 861,000 rows (corresponding to combinations of BU, IE, and CT). The 2850 columns of data can be broken down as: ‘BU’: Burnup (in MWd/kgU) (1 column of data) ‘IE’: Initial enrichment (in wt. % U-235) (1 column of data) ‘CT’: Cooling time (in days) (1 column of data) ‘FMI’: Flow Multiplier Index (1 column of data) ‘fuel_Isotope’: 1398 columns of isotopes (in g/cm3) (1398 columns of data) ‘tank_Isotope’: 1398 columns of isotopes (in g/cm3) (1398 columns of data) ‘fuel_TOT_DH’: Total decay heat (in Watts) for fuel salt (1 column of data) ‘fuel_TOT_GS’: Total gamma emission rate (photons/second) for fuel salt (1 column of data) ‘fuel_TOT_A’: Total activity (becquerel) for fuel salt (1 column of data) ‘tank_TOT_DH’: Total decay heat (in Watts) for fuel salt (1 column of data) ‘tank_TOT_GS’: Total gamma emission rate (photons/second) for fuel salt (1 column of data) ‘tank_TOT_A’: Total activity (becquerel) for fuel salt (1 column of data) ‘flow_isotope’: Removal rates of 42 nuclides in 1/s (42 columns of data) ‘SF’: Total neutron emissions from spontaneous fission for primary salt (1 column of data) ‘AN’: Total neutron emissions from (ɑ, n) for irradiated primary salt (1 column of data) The dataset is formatted as a HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format) file that can be parsed using python libraries such as Pandas.



Uppsala universitetsbibliotek


Nuclear Physics, Machine Learning, Molten Salt, Nuclear Reactor Physics



