Learning outcomes in domain modelling education
The dataset represents learning outcomes related to the discipline of domain modelling, data modelling in particular. These learning outcomes were identified in the following educational resources: Books: Van Lamsweerde, A. (2009). Requirements engineering: From system goals to UML models to software (Vol. 10). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. (Chapter 10) Blaha, M., Premerlani, W.: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design for Database Applications. Prentice Hall, 1998 (Chapters 2-3, 8) Olivé, A. (2007). Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York (Chapters 2-7) Navathe, S. B., & Elmasri, R. (2011). Fundamentals of Database Systems. 6th edition. (Chapters 7-10) MOOCs: UML Class Diagrams for Software Engineering (KU Leuven – EdX) Modelling object-oriented software – an introduction (Open University – self-hosted) DB9 Unified Modeling Language (Stanford University – self-hosted) University courses: Snoeck, M.: Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems - KU Leuven Poelmans, S.: Design of a Business Information System - KU Leuven Kolp, M., Pirotte, A.: UCL/IAG/ISYS - Unité de Systèmes d’Information (ISYS) - UCL Heymans, P.: Analyse et modélisation des systèmes d’information - Université de Namur Faulkner, S.: Bases de données - Université de Namur The learning outcomes were derived from the tasks provided in the abovementioned educational resources.