
Published: 27 September 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/28kv3gsgcz.2


'geobs' is a database about geophysical observation (radon, air ionization, CO2 and CO, Black Sea level, magnetic field, meteorological information, infrasound, ULF - VLF radio data, telluric currents, atmospheric static electricity etc.). These data are acquired in real time, displayed ('geobs panel example.jpg') and sent to the database at 5 minute intervals. From hour to hour, complete files are sent in which the sampling period varies from 1 s to 4 hours (in the case of radon). If limits are exceeded, warning messages are sent in real time. Monitoring stations and format of data are described in 'geobs st 5a.accdb' and 'geobs st 5a.inp' files (position, equipment type, data description). An example of data files are in the uploaded archives (format ASCII text with TAB delimiter). The data from data base can be accessed through an API (JSON and csv formats).


Steps to reproduce

The monitoring stations and the equipment are described in geobs database. The software is created in LabView for Windows and it includes acquisition software, transfer of data to database and information trough alert messages.


Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pamantului


Earthquake Engineering
