CBC Dataset
- About Dataset Safa S. Abdul-Jabbar, Alaa k. Farhan - Context This is the first Dataset for various ordinary patients in Iraq. The Dataset provides the patients’ Cell Blood Count test information that can be used to create a Hematology diagnosis/prediction system. Also, this Data was collected in 2022 from Al-Zahraa Al-Ahly Hospital. These data can be cleaned & analyzed using any programming language because it is provided in an excel file that can be accessed and manipulated easily. The user just needs to understand how rows and columns are arranged because the data was collected as images(CBC images) from the laboratories and then stored the extracted data in an excel file. Content This Dataset contains 500 rows. For each row (patient information), there are 21 columns containing CBC test features that can be described as follows: 1. ID: Patients Identifier 2. WBC: White Blood Cell, Normal Ranges: 4.0 to 10.0, Unit: 10^9/L. 3. LYMp: Lymphocytes percentage, which is a type of white blood cell, Normal Ranges: 20.0 to 40.0, Unit: % 4. MIDp: Indicates the percentage combined value of the other types of white blood cells not classified as lymphocytes or granulocytes, Normal Ranges: 1.0 to 15.0, Unit: % 5. NEUTp: Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell (leukocytes); neutrophils percentage, Normal Ranges: 50.0 to 70.0, Unit: % 6. LYMn: Lymphocytes number are a type of white blood cell, Normal Ranges: 0.6 to 4.1, Unit: 10^9/L. 7. MIDn: Indicates the combined number of other white blood cells not classified as lymphocytes or granulocytes, Normal Ranges: 0.1 to 1.8, Unit: 10^9/L. 8. NEUTn: Neutrophils Number, Normal Ranges: 2.0 to 7.8, Unit: 10^9/L. 9. RBC: Red Blood Cell, Normal Ranges: 3.50 to 5.50, Unit: 10^12/L 10. HGB: Hemoglobin, Normal Ranges: 11.0 to 16.0, Unit: g/dL 11. HCT: Hematocrit is the proportion, by volume, of the Blood that consists of red blood cells, Normal Ranges: 36.0 to 48.0, Unit: % 12. MCV: Mean Corpuscular Volume, Normal Ranges: 80.0 to 99.0, Unit: fL 13. MCH: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin is the average amount of haemoglobin in the average red cell, Normal Ranges: 26.0 to 32.0, Unit: pg 14. MCHC: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration, Normal Ranges: 32.0 to 36.0, Unit: g/dL 15. RDWSD: Red Blood Cell Distribution Width, Normal Ranges: 37.0 to 54.0, Unit: fL 16. RDWCV: Red blood cell distribution width, Normal Ranges: 11.5 to 14.5, Unit: % 17. PLT: Platelet Count, Normal Ranges: 100 to 400, Unit: 10^9/L 18. MPV: Mean Platelet Volume, Normal Ranges: 7.4 to 10.4, Unit: fL 19. PDW: Red Cell Distribution Width, Normal Ranges: 10.0 to 17.0, Unit: % 20. PCT: The level of Procalcitonin in the Blood, Normal Ranges: 0.10 to 0.28, Unit: % 21. PLCR: Platelet Large Cell Ratio, Normal Ranges: 13.0 to 43.0, Unit: % - Acknowledgements We thank the entire Al-Zahraa Al-Ahly Hospital Hospital team, especially the hospital manager, for cooperating with us in collecting this data while maintaining patients' confidentiality.
Steps to reproduce
The user just needs to understand how rows and columns are arranged because the data was collected as images(CBC images) from the laboratories and then stored the extracted data in an excel file.