Petrology and Au-PGE investigation dataset of the recent alluvial sediments from the Ngaye River watershed, northern Cameroon
Published: 1 June 2023| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/298y366ybd.4
Paul-Désire Ndjigui, , Description
The aim of these data is the petrological characterization and the Au-PGE (Platinum Group Elements) investigation of the modern alluvial sediments from the Ngaye River, in semi arid tropical region of the northern Cameroon, Central Africa.
Steps to reproduce
The different steps: Bibliography research; Field work; Laboratory works: Mineralogy by microscopic observations and XRD, Geochemistry by XRF and ICP-MS method. Treatment of data, writing of draft.
Universite de Maroua, Universite de Yaounde 1 Faculte des Sciences
Applied Geology, African Geology