Стан сформованості семіотичного компонента мовлення дітей старшого дошкільного віку з логопатологією

Published: 5 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/29sms873yc.1
Olena Bielova


Purpose. The purpose of the study: to identify the state and levels of formation of the semiotic component of the speech readiness to study at school for children of older preschool age with logo pathology Research methods and techniques. Research methods and techniques. During the experimental research, theoretical methods aimed at analysing the research results and forming conclusions were used. Empirical methods involved conversations with children and the use of various types of tasks aimed at studying the state of formation of phonemic processes (phonemic perception, phonemic analysis, phonemic representation), lexical (passive, active dictionaries), grammatical (composing stories on various topics, using pronouns, agreement of words in gender, number, case), prosodic levels (loudness, tempo, intonation, diction. Results. The results of the conducted research give a clear idea that there are significant differences in the formation of the semiotic component of speech readiness between the groups of the studied children with logo pathology and those with normotypical psychophysical development. Children of older preschool age who had low indicators had persistent violations of phonemic processes (perception, analysis and representation); insufficiently formed lexical level (misunderstanding of words, difficulties in composing a story, problems with classification of concepts and definition of words with the opposite meaning); the grammatical level is not formed (agrammatism, distortion of the sound structure of words, perseveration, paraphasia, inability to use pronouns, agree words and number, gender, case); undeveloped prosodic skills (unregulated voice strength, pace of speech, vague utterances, diction abilities are limited due to persistent phonological disorders). Conclusions. Conclusions. Low indicators of phonetic, lexical, grammatical and prosodic levels in older preschool children with logo pathology indicate insufficient formation of the semiotic component of speech readiness, which will affect their mastery of writing and reading skills during learning the curriculum at school.



Kam'anec-Podil'skij nacional'nij universitet imeni Ivana Ogienka


