Database for solving a staffing problem with annualized hours, multiskilling with 2-chaining, and overtime
This repository contains datasets and results-files associated to the solution of an annual stafffing problem in the retail industry. Particularly, this repository is related to the article "Solving a staffing problem with annualized hours, multiskilling with 2-chaining, and overtime: a retail industry case" submitted to Computers & Industrial Enginnering. The repository has two main folders. The first folder is called ‘Data’, which contains real, processed, and simulated data used in the two analyzes performed in the article (Analysis 1 and Analysis 2). The second folder is called ‘Results’, which contains two Excel workbooks named ‘A1-results.xlsx’ and ‘A2-results.xlsx’. The first Excel workbook presents all the optimality gaps and computational times obtained for the 45 test instances associated to the Analysis 1. On the other hand, the second Excel workbook presents all the optimality gaps and computational times obtained for the 270 test instances associated to the Analysis 2.