Data for: Investigation into the utility of flying foxes as bioindicators for environmental metal pollution reveals evidence of diminished lead but significant cadmium exposure

Published: 28 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2bkxv2zsdk.1
David Phalen


These excel spread sheets contain metal concentrations from kidney, liver, and fur, urine samples obtained from grey-headed (Pteropus poliocephalus) and black (P. alecto) flying foxes. All animals were collected in the greater Sydney area between January 2013 and September 2018. Grey-headed flying foxes are broken down into wild grey headed flying-foxes that were euthanized immediately after presentation to a wildlife carer or died spontaneously and captive grey-headed flying-foxes that had been in care for more than six weeks. All the black flying foxes were euthanized or died immediately after being submitted to care. Metal concentrations were determined with inductively-coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS; Agilent 7500Ce ICP MS, Santa Clara, California, USA). Tissue (liver, kidney, fur) metal concentrations are reported in µg/g dry weight. Urine concentrations are reported in µg/g creatinine. Additional listed data are from whole blood and matching whole blood dried on filter paper from Australian Sea Lions (Neophoca cinerea). These data were generated to determine if whole blood values were comparable to those determined using blood spots. Metal concentrations are also provided from fresh and heat inactivated pig liver and kidney. These data were generated to determine what impact heat inactivation (sterilization) would have on tissue concentrations of metals.



