data Konny Sandoval_Compost from Organic Waste
The production of compost is an alternative for the transformation of organic waste to fertilizer, with the purpose of improving different types of soil and accelerating the production of plant species. Aim: Evaluate the effectiveness of Efficient Microorganisms through the physical-chemical parameters of the compost obtained from Organic solid waste
Steps to reproduce
40 kg black bags were delivered to each greengrocers and greengrocers stall in the Carapongo markets for the proper collection of waste, sawdust from a carpentry shop, cattle manure and rice straw were also collected, after using the personal protective equipment for handling them. - Subsequently, the solid waste was shredded manually with the use of machetes, in order to homogenize the waste. - The weighing (Kg) of organic solid waste, sawdust, bovine manure and rice straw was carried out according to the stipulations. - The organic solid waste was mixed with the corresponding doses of efficient microorganisms, sawdust, cattle manure, and rice straw in the compost piles to obtain the compost. - Subsequently, the compost piles were watered once a week, 4 liters for each one. - Consecutively, the compost piles were turned over every 5 days, for a period of 56 days. After 56 days, a 1 kg sample was taken for each compost pile and sent to the laboratory