Supplementary Material - Patients’ and dermatologists’ preferences in AI-driven skin cancer diagnostics: prospective multicentric survey study

Published: 17 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2chcwnhpwj.1
Sarah Haggenmüller, Roman Maron, Achim Hekler, Eva Krieghoff-Henning, Jochen Utikal, Maria Gaiser, Verena Müller, Sascha Fabian, Friedegund Meier, Sarah Hobelsberger, Frank Friedrich Gellrich, Mildred Sergon, Axel Hauschild, Michael Weichenthal, Lars E. French, Lucie Heinzerling, Justin Gabriel Schlager, Kamran Ghoreschi, Max Schlaak, Franz J. Hilke, Gabriela Poch, Sören Korsing, Carola Berking, Markus Heppt, Michael Erdmann, Sebastian Haferkamp, Konstantin Drexler, Dirk Schadendorf, Wiebke Sondermann, Matthias Goebeler, Bastian Schilling, Jakob N. Kather, Stefan Fröhling, Katharina Kaminski, Astrid Doppler, Tabea Bucher, Titus Brinker


This document contains the following sections: 1. Supplementary Methods where we provide a detailed description of the questionnaire development, the survey structure, the participant recruitment, and the statistical analysis. 2. Supplementary Results where we describe the participant characteristics, further details on the patients’ and dermatologists’ perspective, and limitations of our study.



Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum


Artificial Intelligence, Dermatology, Skin Cancer, Survey, Melanoma, Patient, Acceptance-Based Approach


Federal Ministry of Health


German National Academic Foundation

Sarah Haggenmüller
