Data for "Multiple Cases of Pro-Life Volunteering in a Neo-Aristotelian Ethical Approach" published by RAC-Revista de Administração Contemporânea

Published: 31 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2cjk8zmckn.1


This research sought to understand how volunteers in pro-life organizations cultivate virtues as they act to protect and help pregnant women and their children. Drawing on the perspective of neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics, we sought to access the interrelationship between moral virtues and the intellectual virtue of phronesis, or practical wisdom. Considering the presupposition of the unity of virtues, we addressed the perspective of pro-life volunteers from four organizations, two Brazilian and two Spanish, between the years 2018 and 2020. We conducted a multiple case study of qualitative characteristics in which volunteers are considered mini-cases. We collected data through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentary research, which were organized and coded using NVivo software. We performed open coding, besides starting from some previous categories. Through this process, we arrived at a data structure that allows us to show moral virtues such as justice, fortitude, and temperance, as well as some components of phronesis, related to judgment, decision, and action. The virtue of hope, in its moral dimension, also proved to be relevant to the daily actions of this volunteer. We gathered evidence of the relationship between temperance and phronesis and between hope and phronesis. We found that while the services provided and the cultural/legal context have differences between the cases, the virtues recognized as important for pro-life volunteering are similar. The data files that form this repository consist of the printed NVivo reports of the codes that resulted from the data analysis. They are numbered according to their connection to the concepts of moral virtues and phronesis in codes and subcodes. For example, "Codes 1.5 Temperance" is composed of subcodes 1.5.1 Acceptance, 1.5.2 Generosity, 1.5.3 Humility, and 1.5.4 Giving and teamwork.


Steps to reproduce

We adopted multiple case studies as a research strategy (Stake, 2010, Strang, 2015) in an individual-level analysis (volunteers as mini-cases). We collected data through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentary research, which were transcripted and then organized and coded using NVivo software. To conduct data collection, field notebooks were used throughout the participant observation, and for the semi-structured interviews, a question script consisting of 22 questions was used. Through documentary research, we collected periodical newsletters prepared by the organizations, as well as materials available on their websites and videos available on youtube. We performed open coding, besides starting from some previous categories. Through this process, we arrived at a data structure that allows us to show moral virtues such as justice, fortitude, and temperance, as well as some components of phronesis, related to judgment, decision, and action.


Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina Centro de Ciencias da Administracao e Socioeconomicas


Ethics, Business Ethics, Organizational Ethics, Volunteer, Practical Intelligence, Volunteering
