An online survey on subjective well-being, disaster risk perception, disaster preparedness actions in the Kinki region, Japan in December 2021

Published: 9 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2d5tty7h66.1


This survey aimed to examine the relationships between factors like subjective well-being (SWB), risk perception (RP) and preparedness actions (PB) along with trust in government (TG) and disaster experience (EX). This survey is conducted online on December 9th and 10th, 2021, targeting the general population of the Kinki region, via an online survey company in Japan. The obtained data consists of the dataset (RyoAshida_SurveyDataset_KinkiRegion_202112.csv) and the description of each question (RyoAshida_SurveyQuestions_KinkiRegion_202112.csv). The latter was originally in Japanese and translated into English by the first author. The dataset includes basic demographics like sex, age, marital status, and whether the respondent has a child/children, in addition to the measurements of the abovementioned factors. Note that this dataset has been already cleaned by removing inappropriate responses and the sample size is N=401. In the original study, the authors employed structural equation modelling and found that SWB, EX and RP have positive effects on PB, with similar degrees across variables. These results are supported by previous studies. Moreover, disaster-related factors like EX and RP are not statistically influential on SWB, contrary to the hypotheses. Therefore, the present study implies that SWB or well-being might play a crucial role in the process of ensuring that citizens are adequately prepared against hazards, even without experiencing them before. However, since SWB is a composite of many other elements, constituent factors like education and economic prosperity can have a similar effect but they were omitted in this study. Thus, further research is needed to explore such variables.



Kyoto Daigaku, Kyoto Daigaku Bosai Kenkyujo


Well-Being, Disaster Preparedness, Japan, Risk Perception
